Color of coturnix eggs


7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
I have a couple of hens that lay plain white eggs every once and a while. Is this normal. Also, what is the brown spots on the eggs.
When you drop eggs in vinegar to remove the shell. The brown spots float free in about 20 - 30 mins... Its just paint. But like Ted said, it seems the "white" eggs skipped the paint shop and most have other short comings as well. You will find the majority of them dont hatch.
If you drop the boiled eggs, into vinegar, and allow to sit over night. It will eat the shell of a quail egg. the membrane will remain but its like peeling a grape skin.... Most that pickle alot of quail eggs do it this way.... Give it a try. Bill
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I just peeled alot the other day and I'm telling ya, it took quite a while. I seen where they have a quail egg peeler but that daggone thing is about $200. I think that a person would ahve to pickle alot of eggs to be able to pay for that. I will try the vinegar next time. Just plain white vinegar or cider.

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