Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

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If someone is intent on wreaking carnage and they select a target that they later find out is hardened, they will select another softer target. That second target becomes the opportunity. Imagine if the shooter in this instance had arrived to find a larger than expected police presence. Would he have still tried to pull it off? Would he have waited a few days and tried again? Would he have found a softer target?

The one thing that really needs to be pointed out. The theater had a no guns policy, but like has been observed many times over, the signs will not stop criminals or nut jobs.
The American University is system is no more the cause of this tragedy than is the opening of the Batman movie itself, or the ability to get an AR-15.

Understanding the motives of a mass murderer is not something that sane people wish for.

Our thoughts and focus should be on the victims, and their families; the first responders and their families and the entire population of Aurora Colorado.

Idle speculation is just that. What we know is a former graduate student, well armed and well prepared, willfully opened fire in a crowded movie theater. We know he used a weapon capable of firing 100 rounds a minute, we know the cops got there in 90 seconds. We know he bought the weapons within the last two months. We know that it was horrible, and that the person responsible was caught.

What we don't know is why, what the triggers were, how well planned it was, how mentally unstable the shooter may have been, who he targeted, how he picked that theater, etc.
The American University is system is no more the cause of this tragedy than is the opening of the Batman movie itself, or the ability to get an AR-15.

Understanding the motives of a mass murderer is not something that sane people wish for.

Our thoughts and focus should be on the victims, and their families; the first responders and their families and the entire population of Aurora Colorado.

Idle speculation is just that. What we know is a former graduate student, well armed and well prepared, willfully opened fire in a crowded movie theater. We know he used a weapon capable of firing 100 rounds a minute, we know the cops got there in 90 seconds. We know he bought the weapons within the last two months. We know that it was horrible, and that the person responsible was caught.

What we don't know is why, what the triggers were, how well planned it was, how mentally unstable the shooter may have been, who he targeted, how he picked that theater, etc.
I was addressing society's role in the matter only.

This guy did what he did because he WANTED to, it delighted him.
If you ban the tool, they will build the tool or use another tool.

If we secure a place they will chose another place. Usually the bottleneck you create trying to secure the first place.

Even if you can remove all opportunity from a class or group of people, another class or group of people will fill the void.
The voice of reason... well put. This is something some cannot get a grip on.
We know he used a weapon capable of firing 100 rounds a minute, we know the cops got there in 90 seconds.

The gun was off the shelf so though 100 rounds a minute may be possible, odds are the kid cant do it. He seems to have started with the pump shot gun to. Also the cops say it took the 1.5 minutes to get there an capture him. Doing the math, the numbers seem to be closer to 6 to 10 minutes from the first shot though.
Agreed, except I send my thoughts and wishes rather than 'prayers'.

Governments use such incidents to restrict the rights of individuals, so the many are disadvantaged because of the actions of the few. The fact is that guns alone kill no-one but people with guns do. So what's the right balance?

Well, simply put, if anyone was to answer, this thread would get shut down faster than you can say "NRA" or "Brady Campaign."
Well here you go, this kid is obviously a product of our university system and approaching his Ph D so he has been there 4 years or so and learned how to attain and build sophisticated devices most likely from the Internet or a physics class and his behavior is a product of the environment he has been educated in that tell you if it feels good you just do it. The young man has no moral compass nor does society have the ability to stop a man from pulling the trigger at that pivotal point that would have prevented this tragedy. Many people plan and fantasize about doing someone in but are regulated by a corer system of beliefs and standards. Some on here say this kid snapped well I got news for you this was well planned in advance the kid did not snap.

A speedy trial and a punishment to fit the crime is in order for the victims.
I teach in a university system in a graduate program. Every year kids/adults graduate with skills and knowledge that will allow them to make a life for themselves that benefits not only themselves but their families and, ultimately, society. I have Great students from all over the world and I am so proud of their efforts. They have strong ethics and belief systems and only wish to make their world a better place as much as they can. To say that the university environment is responsible for the horrible and abhorrent actions of one individual undermines the efforts of all students seeking an education.

And just a note, the "if it feels good just do it" mentality is not part of any curriculum that I know of.
Blaming higher education is a reach, even for you. I have a feeling that had you had the ambition to seek a higher level of education you wouldn't be saying such things. It's just kind of silly I guess. You talking about higher education would be like Ray Charles talking about photography. Oh yeah, speedy trials are up to the defendant so I wouldn't count on it, but it would be nice.
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I've heard that he was on medication - can anyone confirm or deny this?
I can't say if he is on medications. Rumor flying around that he might have taken the bath salts....

Its all a wait and see what happens and more stories will be unfolded.
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