
I guess because you can move them around. I don't like them, I think they offer too little room for the chickens. I like them more shed like. You can see mine on Craigslist for ideas. Just search for chicken coops in the Denver, Boulder of Fort Collins lists and they are the ones that say taking orders. This might give you some ideas of what you can do. They will hold 4-5 chickens.
Hello Coloradans! (Coloradoans, Coloradi, ?) We just moved here, north of Fort Lupton, from Southern NJ, at Thanksgiving. Really taking to the country life, we already have 12 chickens (RIRs, Barred Rocks, an Ameraucana, and two Silkie chicks) 5 ducks, and 3 geese.

Hey, if any of you all want a feisty banty Mottled Cochin named Rascal that thinks he's ruler of Featherworld, he's yours for the taking (just not to eat)
The two older hens are between one and one-and-a-half years old, and lay nearly daily. The "babies" are about four months, and we got the first egg from them (pale greenish, probably the Ameraucana) a couple of days ago. The ducks are the most consistent, everyone laying almost every morning.
wow, didn't know there were this many coloradans here. i'm in Aurora, nobody else out here has anything other than dogs......

just go into the chicken thing, built a coop and hunted down 3 RIR's on craigs list.

two questions if i might.....

1) do i really need to iinsulate or double wall?

2) anyone know where i can get some of that plastic sheeting to hang over the door so the heat does not get out in the winter?
I am only about 20 miles east of you! I have found for the best price go to Harbor Freight, they have tons of tarps that will withstand the wind and sun. come in all different sizes I bought a couple for hay last year and they have survived fine. I now have them over the pen for the puppies.

Everyone has a different view on insulating. I have decided not to insulate mine but I did locate it right next to the barn. With the framing inside can always change your mind. You know how the weather goes, we don't insulate and we are going to freeze. If I spend the time now it will be 70's all winter!
Hey - cool beans! Some more Coloradoans. Welcome to ya'll.

I'm SE of the metro area. I insulated half my coop last year (ran out of money) and want to finish it this year. I was concerned about some of those -20 days with the wind blowing this last year. My hens all seemed to make it just fine though - I do have more cold hardy breeds so that may have helped. Plus, my coop is rather small so I think the body heat of the hens in there helped also.

dada_jeep: I love that you are in Aurora and have chickens ... are you right in town?
Up in Bailey @ 9,000ft (brrrr....)
3 leg horns
5 Columbian Wyandottes
1 mystery?!?!?

and Chicken Mc Mansion under construction.

Any body know any poultry shows, auctions in CO?


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