

Look at what's going on in my little piece of Colorado!
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The Survivors:




Talitha Kum- This one took to her feet this afternoon. If you had asked me on Saturday, I would have told you this one had a .01% chance of making it. I have never seen anything look so totally dead and recover. Her eyes were sunken to where I thought she was blind, she even sank into the wood shavings because the other chicks moved them over her and she coudn't move enough to shake them off. I had to pick her up to help her drink, and tilt her head back because she couldn't. I have so much admiration for the tenacity of this chick. The others had a long road to recovery, but this one came back from a place where few living things return.

I have no idea if these birds will have long term damage from their trauma or if they will lead normal chicken lives. I am looking forward to seeing the chickens they become.

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