
Our Creams get closer the older they get, but are not friendly at all. She's got great color though, very pretty cream. Wonder how big her crest will get, I do love the bigger puffier ones.
:weee First Egg Alert :weee

OMG, I got my first egg tonight! I am over the moon being a proud chicken mom. My guess is it was the BR. Small weighed 3 grams, looks light brown maybe almost a pinkish tint to it. Here she is pictured next to a store egg for reference.



Also here is one of our RIR Roo's dressed with a pot of veggie for our garden, it's chicken night here!


Beautiful chickens!!!

cochix- congrats on new egg mama and that rir looks awesome in that pan!! Whoot woot!

I made this today
I try to keep telling myself it's gluten free and fat free so I can have big slices!

Agh chicken math strikes again! So it looks like no svart honas for me, just ayam cemani lol, and the haffies of cemani x orpington.

I'm looking for raw goats milk to feed my chickens to finish my meaties up after they are caponized with goat milk soaked oats. An experiment if you may, if anyone knows where I can get some cheap/barter/free lol

Today I gave my bf a "free" day to play with his friends before he hurts himself again tomorrow building out the enclosed run on the raised garden bed for my itty bitty peep peeps, as the last 2x he made something for my new chickens he's hurt himself. He is totally enabling me in my ocd = obsessive chicken disorder. He's very proud of his coop building and run enclosing skills and recently made me a bucket hanger for the nipple waterer thing I made for the itty bitty peep peeps.

Hopefully we get the 1/2" hardware cloth/wire roll tomorrow and posts.
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I swear, there is almost nothing better then homemade Angel Food Cake. Seriously, when I was younger I thought it smelled like wet dog. My mom would buy it from the store, and I could not eat it, because of the smell. Well, it's one of my husbands favorites, so I made one about four years was the best thing I had ever made, up to that point. We now make it at least three times a year, and sometimes just as a surprise gift for my mother-in-law. Yum!

Angel food cake has been one of my favorites since I was little. I would love to have the GF recipe for that and the breads! We are going back to GF and really need a good bread recipe.
Well good thing I already posted this recipe here on byc for gluten-free angel food cake!!! & my chocolate idiot cake. Hmmmm.

Seems like I need to start my gluten-free cooking and chicken keeping blog soon!! I think I either killed my yeast in the breads today, or need to check if according to the biodynamic calendar if today was a bad day for baking bread.

My bf is excited that the Russian sage has tricomes so we're going to gather a lb or so fresh buds whilst on motorcycle at 430 an to do an essential oil extraction in the morning then get to going on erecting the enclosed run for my meaties. I wonder what aromatherapy uses Russian sage has? Still looking for german camomile, tansy, yarrow, lavander, thyme etc to make essential oils with for aromatherapy use, if anyone is interested in joining my new experiment in making my own essential oils. Oh no, my bf got 3 flashlights ready, vroom vroom, we're going on a Russian sage foraging adventure in a few hours. Happy dance. Yes, I'm very silly!
They all look great Jennifer! Thanks for posting pictures.......

Yep, hay is pricey, and one has to be careful when buying it as some hay is only good for cows, and horses would never eat it. We are looking at a few places east and south of Fountain this year.

Getting cooler in the evenings here in the high country, I think frost at night is on its way!! Yikes! Garden did not do well this year, first plants froze, as we had frost on June 16th, very unusual. Next year going to wait until later in June to put my plants out!
For those that are interested... here is the GF angel food cake recipe
Mine and my daughter's best friends are moving back from KS this month.

She has a ton of chickens too and will need a place to keep them until they find somewhere to live so I will be sectioning off part of our run/coop for her flock. They won't have nearly as much room outside as ours but since it's temporary they should be fine. Later I'll use that same area for our breeder pen or for raising meaties.
That same friend sent me a link to a craigslist ad of someone local that was giving away parts of a chicken coop. She had 4 nest boxes, roosts that go on the wall, and a ladder roost. She didn't even know what she had. I think she moved into the house and that stuff was up in the garage/barn and she didn't need it so she gave it away. Score! It's a group of 4 nest boxes, perfect for the new area and the chickens are already checking out the ladder. :)
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Trsturself- awesome score!!

I think this winter might be quite a doozie. El nino year and all. Every morning when tending to the various chickens, "winter is coming!" How old do chicks need to be before moving outside if it's cold, snowy etc? The less than 2 week old chicks in my master bathroom brooder box can't stay inside forever!

Lol, little buggers are already starting to get out (I put a big wire mesh screen over it a bit ago).

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