
Lol same boat maggiemo. Lots of hard work can't freeze this early right?

I seriously need to build a way bigger brooder box in the barn tomorrow (been giving my bf 2 weekends off in a row from chicken building duties) b/c my 6 little chicks are zooming back and forth in their brooder box and could use some room to play. There's a bunch of old doors I am thinking of using...
I covered my plants with sheets last night they look ok this morning.

. Tjhis weather is kinda cozy, inside. It wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't so much going on in the garden that needs another month or so though before harvesting ideally.

Didn't cover anything, woke up to snow in Boulder.

Margie, Margie, do you do it up there? Bears, three month growing season, floods, harsh Colorado weather, my oh my....
Light dusting of snow here and holding at 32F. It is snowing/sleeting now. The chickens don't seem to mind, they are out digging around in the wet looking like drowned rats....The only plants I covered were my 'special' plants we can only grow here in Colorado (legally). Hope they make it.

Luckily on that type of growing ;), the kind that is legal in Colorado, we have large greenhouses (covered) we rolled the sides down on all of them. We will push ours as late as possible. Last year we were taking down the outdoor girls up until Thanksgiving. Not so worried about them, haven't gotten out to look at tomatoes. Have a head cold now!

Lol same boat maggiemo. Lots of hard work can't freeze this early right? .

DK and Maggie do you guys use silica at all ? If not might want to checked it out, helps plants deal with temperature swings and makes them strong. We used that a lot last year, thus being able to push the gardens until Thanksgiving.
DK and Maggie do you guys use silica at all ? If not might want to checked it out, helps plants deal with temperature swings and makes them strong. We used that a lot last year, thus being able to push the gardens until Thanksgiving.
No, I just stuck them in the ground and off they went. I'll Google silica, it's probably too late this year.
It has warmed up to thirty and the chickens are running around eating snow and having a great time. The three new youngsters don't know what to think about this, but they will figure it out. I separated the quail into 2 tubs and they are happier. They were outgrowing their digs for sure. Some of the boys are getting a "red breast." I think you can pretty much tell the B/G around 3 weeks, maybe 4. I really need to get some weights on these guys and see what I am looking at as far as feeding cost and such.
Mtn margie- awesomeness! I'm interested to know how it all goes.

Cochix- yes I use silica.. been doing this growing special plants thing for 32 years and started in Alaska lol.. just these I didn't have high hopes for b/c spider mites got to them via co2 tank exchange, as I have a lot of indoor growing areas, but only have t5's on atm while upgrading everything. Just popped 2 trays of seeds, yay high cbd & landrace genetics! I harvested a bit yesterday just in case everything froze (better safe than sorry).

I've been dragging soft sided pots of marigolds, herbs, tomato plants to my chicken runs for them to forage on since it's getting close to winter. Plus I need the pots again soon lol. They picked off every blade of leaves and petals on the marigolds and sunflowers, left the wormwood and rosemary alone?

Wtd about the 6-7 week old slw in my kitchen that has curled toes& problems walking? Been giving her nutridrench and 18% protein all flock pellets soaked in water and nutridrench and probiotics & vitamins in her water?? Cull? Get a splint made of pipe cleaners and make a hobble? IDK WTD. Every other chicken seems fine atm, but I heard chicken lamaze going on, so time to go check for eggs as my ee Missy has been getting broody ideas lately.
Someone posted it a few pages back.

Anyone attending the Brighton Swap on Sunday that has an incubator I could borrow? I found another nest of Guinea eggs and I don't have any broodies right now.

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