
Boss called and told me I25 is a breeze. I have to laugh a lot at that one. My hubby drives a tow truck so I KNOW that I25 is closed from HWY 7 to HWY 34 in both directions. Then again from Wellington north to Wyoming. If I had gone to work I would have been stranded there until the road opens back up. NOT thinking that that kind of a drive would be one I would be willing to make.

Hubby has been going nonstop since 7 this morning pulling people out and on accident calls.

I am thinking I will perhaps stay home tomorrow as well. I have to dig out a path to the chickens yet and get the branch off the roof of the coop. I do not think it was large enough to damage it but never know til I get out there. I do know the run's wire roof is collapsed.

Lots of downed branches in my neighborhood and in my yard. The storm even took the neighbors flagpole down. They did not have the flag up so it was not from wind.
Yeah... went from rain, to 4-6 inches, to 8-10 inches, to blizzard warnings, I have about 12-18" on the ground... Hard to tell exactly as I have drifts well over 2 feet. Still snowing here but the wind has finally dropped a bit. No serious tree damage that I can tell right now. Sorry for those of you who have any damage.

Lost power at 5:30 this morning and got it back ~ noon or so. Dogs don't mind the snow, the big one in my avatar was having a ball making like a snow plow. Chickens fared well, but are all about staying in. It's been fun going out to check/collect eggs... One advantage to no power... no computer, no TV, so got to relax and start reading a good book.

OK, gonna be chilly tonight, stay warm all! If you have to drive, be careful out there.
we got a lot. little ones are fine in heater insulated coop. it is melting underneath... snow close to 3 feet, under it is slush... that's going to be interesting tomorrow. just waiting for plow to come. we stay put

my little one with angel wing is fine now after 2 days of taping
greetings from Boulder and Englewood. What breeds did you buy?


We bought two buff orpingtons, two easter eggers, 1 silver Wyandotte, and I actually picked up a Dark Brahma today....why do I already feel the need to add chicks. Smh, the obsession is real.
All that snow on the front range is crazy. As for us in the mountains, no snow at all. We had cold wind and sunshine all day yesterday. The bad part is I have chicks coming in the mail. Well, they were supposed to be coming sometime today. I hope they aren't stuck in a snow drift somewhere. Keeping my fingers crossed.
So very quiet on here today.......

I hope everyone is ok after all the snow and power issues. Hopeful too that no one that is incubating had power failure.

My yard is very depressing right now. All my shrubs are flattened and a few branches are down. Looks like I may have lost the Hydrangea too.

I managed to salvage the run roof. Some repairs still needed but mostly it just stretched the wire a lot. It is sagging pretty low but I can retighten it I think.

BBBRRRRRR!!!!!!! That is some deep snow there too.

I think the Dark Brahmas are one of the prettiest birds out there. All my Brahmas are very mellow. I hope yours turns out nicely as well.

This is Cinders and Jasmine. Cinders is the Dark Brahma.
For some reason my multi-quote button has disappeared.

@Megshenhut thanks for rubbing it in that the storm missed you. Hoping that your chicks arrive safe and healthy and soon! :fl. :hugs

@mlmonro3 nice selection of chicks, looking forward to seeing them.

@21hens-incharge luckily no power loss on the incubtor.
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