
Everyone's chicks are growing so fast! Nice looking little ones each and everyone of them!

We got some hail here too. That and heavy rain to go with the wind and cold hail. Glad I got done what I did before that hit.
Nice to meet you, someone after my own heart, I am trying some Pioneer Chickens from McMurray also know as Dixie Rainbows this year. My understanding is they breed naturally and lay 300 large eggs a year, 5lb+ dress out weight at 15 weeks. I also have some F2 generation eggs in the incubator, the lady I got them from says second generation comes in 4.5lb+ in 15 weeks. So we will see if this can turn into a truly dual purpose sustainable breed. 

Can't relate since my birds are all ornamental. I guess, in theory, if the Ayam Cemani live beyond chickhood, you could eat them. They don't eat them in Indonesia as they are mostly used for religious/spiritual purposes, but I assume they'll end up being the biggest chickens I have. If you really wanted to, you could eat the peafowl? I'm mostly just a custodian here with these birds. That's probably why they ended up with me.
If anyone is looking for assorted hatchery choice ducks..... Cackle is running a special for this month ship dates. They end up being 2.79 per duckling plus shipping sold in groups of 15.

Just had to share it.






Second time outside was more active than the first. The peacock would not stop circling them, even though he could just literally stick his head in there from the top. The Phoenix Bantam is either not a bantam or is a cockerel. It is huge already. I'm not sure which I would prefer more, a regular sized Phoenix or a male Phoenix Bantam. The chick that I had to help hatch because it was shrink wrapped is doing much better than I expected. Even the one wing is starting to look more normal & he has no issues (so far) with getting around like the others. The little Cheeto puff is already exactly like Memnoch & Mercury & is a tiny handful.

I was hoping to move them outside pretty soon since the older 4 are pretty decent sized already at 3wks, but I had to take my dog to an emergency vet visit that was pretty expensive. My brother's male dog attacked him & he had been favouring his front legs. Thankfully, my dog is okay but I only get paid once a month & the vet took a huge chunk out of my pay check before I even got to buy this month's groceries. Hopefully, I can put something together out of what I currently have for them that can hold up until the next pay check. Not that I mind terribly having them inside, I just think they'd like more room to be able to scratch & jump on things. It is funny to watch my dogs fall asleep in front of the brooder while watching the chicks & the chicks huddling in the corner closest to the dogs.
The way your birds happened into your life and the fact that you took the time to care so much for them is wonderful to me. Your peacock is quite a handsome fellow! Yes those little ones are getting big already. That little cheeto makes me grin at the same look on his face as the others had at that age. I would say he looks proud as a peacock lol.
The way your birds happened into your life and the fact that you took the time to care so much for them is wonderful to me. Your peacock is quite a handsome fellow! Yes those little ones are getting big already. That little cheeto makes me grin at the same look on his face as the others had at that age. I would say he looks proud as a peacock lol.

I swear, that's the same look his parents give me:



Irritated they have to put up with the indignity of being handed & contemplation of clawing my face off. His little poofy cheeks just kill me & I'm excited to see what happens with the crest. So much fun to see how they develop!
Was up in RMNP today. snow squalls and thunder snow as well as a little rain. Nothing major and was a good trip.#1 favorite daughter and her aunt got lots of good scenery pics, and saw bunches of wildlife.

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