
I have sexlink Buff some kind of gold laced pulleys. I have 5 roos. And my egg layers are polish (only 4)
@kingkoopa - I am so excited to be working on the coop tomorrow and this weekend. It is a ton of fun to have a finished product that you can be proud of. Good luck with it all!
Yesterday my babies were mauled by a hawk. The dog was not in the yard, go figure. Luckily, I got out there before he killed anyone, but one of my EE chick, bandit, has a broken wing with protruding bones. Obviously I have two options, vet amputation or cull. I tried to set the bones, but it's just not possible and she will eventually die from infection of its not amputated at the break. My husband rushed home from work when he got my text. He was ready to cull and is mad at me for letting her suffer. He agreed now that she has recovered from shock that she worth saving. I just don't know where to find and avian vet and I know it's going to be hella costly. I can afford a vet bill, I'm just not sure if I can justify it. So, the search begins. I wrapped her wing with gauze and cleaned it with providone iodine and bactracin. I also have her a smal shot of antibiotics. She is in good spirits and happy to be close to me or her sisters.
So sorry that happened....
I don't remember where you are but there were some avian vets in the denver area for sure that were posted on this forum.
I will see if I can find the links from old posts.......

Just in case anyone is like me and has been having a difficult time finding a vet for birds, I found this place off of 120th and Sheridan earlier today. I have an appointment with them on Friday for one of my peahens that is getting worse health wise, but I figured I'd share the link in case anyone else is in need of a bird vet.
That is helpful. And reminded me I found a place just two days ago, that has two vets that will see poultry.
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Poor little Badit.


Pom was banged up pretty good, but seems to be doing well. I thought she wouldn't make it through the night because she could barely lift her head. She doesn't have anything broken, I just think she was beat up. I put bactracin on a few wounds she has. She also has a lot of feathers missing. Poor honey.

Call me the bad guy... sorry... I wouldn't waste (yes I said it) hundreds of dollars or more on a $3.50 chick(en)... nor on a $25.00 chicken.
Were it me; the cold hearted, grinchy, skin flint, I'd put her down and go buy 10 more to replace her.
As for the hawk, lesson learned, by you as well as the survivors.
Sorry you had to experience this,
but it's all part of the big picture. Best of luck and best wishes going forward regardless of your decision.

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