
Egg production is down here as well. About 1/2 of what is expected from them. I too have suffered the broody business. Itty is back at it too. I fear she will die from continuing to be so broody. I keep tossing her into the run just to see her come flying back to the nest.

No issues with the forum BUT last year I had the same problems you are experiencing COChix.

I make it a point when I am feeding ferment twice a day to pull all the Broodies out of there spots so they will eat and drink. Some go right back others get chased around and pecked at, then they eat and drink and go back to their spots. Mamacita in Boulder is broody and hilarious (she's the one we let hatch chicks last year) she will be out sun bathing and then come screaming into the run and chase those young cockerels around and off the feed/water. She likes to pick fights with the young males when she is broody, she did that last year. She also is broody all over the place. littles nests cleared out in the straw throughout the coop floor, probably where it's cooler than the nest boxes, looks like a golfing range. I have a good picture of her fighting a young cockerel from our hatch last year, but I can't upload. :-( or make a good smiley face.
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I do make her get off the nest to eat and drink first thing in the morning and as soon as I am home from work then a couple more times in the evening. She is hilarious running around like her tail is on fire chest bumping the Brahmas. She is the one in charge and everyone knows it good and well by the time she is done having a temper.

I am also feeding wet mash in the mornings. I am out there early enough to watch that she actually eats something before I go to work. I put a small bit of scratch in the nest with her before I leave too. I really should not worry about her so much as she is often like this.
Glad to hear it is just not us with the eggs.....the heat has been brutal, 102 yesterday at our spot in Boulder.

Also on a side note I am having issues with BYC forum, don't get the option to post pictures or the editor doesn't come up at all for me right now, so I can't add any smiley faces or nothing. Anyone else experiencing these problems?

Well, yes, I am having a hard time posting in type that doesn't need magnification, and I can't send a picture. Something is goofed up here.

Last year at this time, a number of hens went broody, for the first time, and I got a few surprises. This month a number of my heritage birds have gone broody - two new SS and an LS - and of course the usual Silkie(s). Mine seem to take advantage of the warmer weather to get off the nest to eat and drink, and then there is the oddball who refuses to budge. The Broodies this year are not the ones who hatched chicks last year. My SS and Silkies are brooding in pairs. I found one hen dead in a nest early in June when it got hot. Egg production is down at least by half. Of all the Broodies I have had that refused to leave their nests, none have ever died. My previous broody (and her sister and her mate) had a consequence, and I will post its picture as soon as this forum gets its web page repaired. Happy sweltering.
There are red ants and they pinch like the dickens but not the down south kind of fire ants my husband has told me about. He is from Mississippi and lived in Texas for a long while so maybe the region has something to do with the pure evil ones he talked about.

You cannot miss a red ant hill as everything around it for a few feet in every direction is barren.
I often have trouble uploading pics on my Android phone unless I put it in desktop mode. And occasionally the editing buttons disappear too for no reason.

Crazy hot up north too. Hens aren't at laying age yet so can't comment on egg production.

Run extension has a roof!


Will have to stay that way for a bit as am taking a break next week to hike the first 50 miles of the Colorado Trail...
There are red ants and they pinch like the dickens but not the down south kind of fire ants my husband has told me about. He is from Mississippi and lived in Texas for a long while so maybe the region has something to do with the pure evil ones he talked about.

You cannot miss a red ant hill as everything around it for a few feet in every direction is barren.
Red ants and Fire ants are two different things. Fire ants can swarm and kill small animals and many people have horrible allergic reactions to the bites/stings as well (here I raise my hand).
iPad & iPhone issues on BYC site.

The site will fix issues, if they are aware of those issues. For about two weeks now I have not been able to upload images using my iPad or my iPhone. I started a thread to let the site know that there was a problem. Since I'm the only one that has posted about the issues that are happening, the tech people don't think there is a problem and are doing nothing.

Here is the link to my thread. If you are having technical issues using your IPad or iPhone on the BYC what issues you are explained in one of the posts of the thread, this will only be fixed if others are reporting technical problems.
I noticed my quail don't lay as many eggs on days above 90 but most of the time I get one from each. Ducks are laying pretty steadily too. Chickens are too young. I wonder if it is because all my layers are in their first laying season.

This morning I round the corner of my kitchen toward the garage door and hear a click-click noise. Sounds like dog nails on hard floor, but quieter. But the dogs aren't near me. I'm putting on my shoes to go to work. I hear a rustling and another click-click. Oh no, do I have mice in the house? Great! I start putting things in the car and call the dogs (they go to work with me). One comes and I load him in the car. I call the other again and I wait at the garage door. Then I hear click-click, followed by peep-peep. What the? I put the second dog in the car and go back. I look into the open door of my pantry closet. Behind a box is a quail chick. Just standing there like it was a completely normal thing for it to be there. I quickly scooped it up and returned it to the brooder. The brooder is covered with screen from a screen door on one side and cloth on the other. Fastened by cloths pins. I figure it somehow jumped up at exactly the right place were the screen is loose. Funny little bird took itself on an adventure.

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