
Today is lockdown for my geese eggs. Looks like one has already pipped. I'll have a staggered hatch. The goose laid 2 more eggs after I started the incubator. Was hoping she'd lay another clutch and go broody but she just flat quit. 12 eggs total. Good thing I just love their antics.

Yesterday was the 18th anniversary of Columbine. Still can recite the kids names and still chokes me up.
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Congrats Percheron chick! Hatching is so much fun.

Welcome smallfarmlife. Glad you could join us.

Well it happened. I knew it was just a matter of time. Someone complained and I got a letter from the humane society about my rooster. He has been crowing more lately. I think because of spring hormones. I think I'm going to call them on Monday and tell them I plan on moving. Hopefully being up front with them they'll cut me some slack. If I'm lucky I'll have made an offer on a house by then.
I am hoping the hatching has gone well. :fl

Wow lomine! I do hope you have an offer in on a rooster friendly place soon.

Seriously, I know they crow and it can be loud but not louder than a dog. I find myself in a "Why can't people just live and let live" frame of mind.
Wishing you the best in finding a place!
Same here, @21hens-incharge - I think dogs barking is a lot louder than a rooster crowing, but that might be from my TBI. I can't handle my small dog's bark anymore, but the roosters (even the peacock now that breeding season is in high swing) don't bother me.

Well, I set 7 eggs before it became obvious I needed a new job and 6 of them went into lockdown last Tuesday. Still waiting for something to happen. I think I heard pecking but that could have also been my TBI at this point! Fingers crossed for everyone this week! :)

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