
Uzi!! They are fantastic!! Congratulations on the beautiful peachicks!

Your peacock is pretty darn sweet peaking around to say hi to the kids.

You are making progress with your work issue. They were pretty awful to you.
You know... It occurs to me that you are a strong person to handle it all. Don't let their inadequacy affect your view of yourself!
They need a good :smack give em one for me too.
Thanks so much, everyone! That job was such a joke. I had to laugh even more when I got my last paycheck today. Director of HR told me they'd give me a full paycheck. They were a few hundred short of that. Can't expect the truth out of anyone there it seems.

Peachicks are a lot different than chicken chicks, it turns out. The two that are out in their brooder now mostly just want to hide under my chin (chins?) or curl up in my hand. They also like to lay under the heater & watch the month old chicks in their brooder. I haven't gotten them to eat or drink yet, but I read on the boards that they take some time to get the hang of that. A third egg is hatching right now & I think the last two are most likely dead in their shells (there was a massive fubar with the incubator lid with I was buying flowers this morning & the temp dropped significantly). 50% hatch rate again for me, which I'm happy with since I wasn't expecting any to hatch.

I've named the darker one Mim (after Mad Madam Mim from The Sorcerer & The Stone) & the lighter one Syrax (after a dragon from the book series A Song of Ice and Fire). I'm probably going to name the third one Fin Fang Foom after a dragon from Marvel Comics & call it Fin for short.
I still think that is a decent hatch rate!
Heck I am to chicken to try and hatch chicken eggs!
I honestly don't know how I keep hatching anything. I put all the success on the Brinsea incubators because it makes it so I interact with the process as little as possible! I'm just gobsmacked I got any peachicks to hatch. I think I'm in shock about it. :D
@uzisuzuki sorry about the job, but you move forward and look to the future, and maybe that future holds raising peahens!!
@lomine congrats on the new place, looks like a great start for the animals at the very least...
@Mtn Margie I hope all went as it should with the shearing, I'm sure with these warm temps and no more thoughts of freeze you will be just happy to have that task behind you and everyone will be a little cooler this evening!

So with the new app things are different and it doesn't seem to work great for me, but I'm trying to atleast read new posts as they come in.
Sadly the other day I lost my 1st chicken... :-(
It was acting a bit off when I I came home in the evening but most the birds were already settled on their roosts for the evening so i and dead the following morning before I could even attempt to It was only about 8 weeks old and I had nothing invested in it, but still sad and bummed me out.

On the plus side I have 95% of planting done, chickens have all they need, but with having 2 flocks and 32 chickens now I'm sure that will change, and the weather seems to be cooperating so outside home mantainace is finally getting done..
I hope all of you are starting this month on a positive note!!
Got the third peachick to hatch! The five day olds are already trying to fly out of the brooder. They also make this teapot sound that gets louder as they go on until I pick them up. I am in love with them.


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