

Feeling pretty lucky then out here... a little bit of rain today and lots of high winds... but no SNOW!!!! Yippie... I should really get out and check on the chickens though.... bundle up time.
I keep trying to run outside and feed the chickens and rabbits, and every few minutes I get rained out... one at a time, I suppose!

I also wanted to put a roost in the chickies box for them, but I might have to bring them inside again tonight. I hope they dont get colds. It just hailed, but down here is SE CO, we have not gotten any snow. I feel for you guys! Hopefully it will melt quickly though!
From I-25 and Hwy 119 we only got a couple flakes over the last three days. Rained like we are on the NW coast though!

My lawn and bulbs are loving it. I'm ready to get out of our lake though. Makes me realize that when I do get the chicks outside I need to find a place that won't be under 3" of water every time it rains.
congdon476 said:
Feeling pretty lucky then out here... a little bit of rain today and lots of high winds... but no SNOW!!!!

That's funny because we are feeling pretty blessed to have gotten tons of snow! We are loving this storm!! We have four foot drifts across the driveway and out to the barn. It's still snowing and blowing here right now. Yippee!

We are wondering when we be able to get out. We don't have four wheel drive (it broke on our truck) and this snow is going to turn to complete mud in the next few days which is actually worse here than the snow for driving.

My pasture and hay field are really, really happy today!
I am happy for the moisture too - but we got almost 2 feet. Who would have thought you could get cabin fever in just two days! When our satellite came back yesterday afternoon we cheered! least I got to finally watch my Dark Knight DVD!

Of course it will all be gone by tomorrow probably - so that is good. But I hate the mud.
And my hose is buried in a big drift. Just when I got to the point where I didn't have to unhook it every night and wait for it to thaw in the morning - we get 2 feet of snow.

Alright - off to try and get out the driveway - Parker here we come!
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We had the dish get full of snow too. We had ours mounted low enough you can use a broom to clear it out. We got about 2' with a lot of drifting. There was a couple 4' drifts in the driveway. I didn't think I could get through it, but we bought a 3/4 ton Suburban last year and it is about 6" higher than the 1/2 ton was. Put it in 4wL and it went right through. Of course my company car wont get through. Might tow it out to the road and park there till the snow melts down. The pastures are going to be very happy.
The weather out here is wonderful today! We are suppose to be in the low 80's all week and then "cool" off to 55(low of 30 that night) sometime and then back up we go! I will not plant warm weather crops yet... I will not plant ......
mrsengeseth, I already have lettuce coming up. I plant stuff that doesn't mind getting snowed on

My biggest worry at this point is hail.

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