
Getting ready to place the eggs... mostly all green eggs with a couple of the darker marans eggs.

and here is the little chick that came from the light green/white speckled egg.

And the dominique mix.

Lovely chicks!
Welcome new folks, happy chickening :)
For the ACV you just splash in a glug or two...I always do two, but only add more maybe every two weeks. For the feeder my FIL made me a special one just for the FF, a PVC pipe cut length wise and little feet. It works great. But there are all sorts of thing you can use, as long as they aren't metal. If you go to the FF thread and look at the pics there are quite a few people have posted.

Are you talking about adding more ACV to the FF? How do you tell if that's necessary? If anything the ferment seems to be getting a little stronger, don't know if it's because I put a lot in the bucket to start with

Yep, I just went to the dollar store and bought a couple of cheap plastic containers, then when I get home in the late afternoon I dump out anything that's left, which suddenly gets delicious by doing so :)

ACV I add about a tablespoon per gallon.

I've noticed that, if I so much add move the feeder there's a frenzy of renewed interest in it lol

 I usually add about 1-2 TBS. More than that and it seems too strong for their liking, and they avoid it, though if that's all they have they will eventually drink it. Mine are used to that amount, so there's no problem for mine.

Is that 1-2 per gallon?
I finally got a chance to clean the coop and the poo was too frozen to get up with my scoop. Grrr. Ijust tossed some new pine shavings in instead and i'll deal with it later. I think we have decided to get 3 - 5 more chicks this yr. I get 4-6 eggs a day and still need to buy 2 doz a week! Anyone have suggestions for me? I want something fairly quiet, a good layer and friendly
I finally got a chance to clean the coop and the poo was too frozen to get up with my scoop. Grrr. Ijust tossed some new pine shavings in instead and i'll deal with it later. I think we have decided to get 3 - 5 more chicks this yr. I get 4-6 eggs a day and still need to buy 2 doz a week! Anyone have suggestions for me? I want something fairly quiet, a good layer and friendly
Wow! That's a lotta eggs and you need more? Boy, I'm glad my 6 kids are whittled down to 1, still, teenaged boy!
I'm no expert but I have 3 black austrolopes and once they started laying, they lay everyday. quiet, very friendly. I have been getting large eggs with double yolks from time to time. I wasn't expecting them to be as pretty as they are, their feathers are a lovely black/blue/green in the light. Certainly not show quality or anything but I really just wanted to have pets and eggs. That's what I got. I only have noise once in a while when they are particularly happy about an egg or riled up, otherwise, no one would know they are here... nice and stealth like I like it!
I had the same problem with the poop today too, I feel like my coop is just so dirty but all the books I've read on the subject say to let it be and not to clean it out every other day.
This is off McMurry Hatchery site. BA's are one of the best layers around.

"This breed originated in Australia developed from Black Orpingtons imported from England; and the emphasis of the breeding program was on egg production without sacrificing too much in size and meat quality. Some sensational results were made in the Australian program, and one hen set a laying record of 364 eggs in 365 days. Introduced into this country in the 1920's, they have become useful and popular and are certainly one of the best layers of light brown eggs of all the heavy breeds. A flock of Black Australorps with their glossy black plumage which has a greenish-purple sheen and their larger than average bright red combs make an unusually handsome sight. They are big birds, cockerels weighing 6 to 8 pounds at maturity and pullets 5 to 7. They have a pinkish white skin and plump bodies which dress out nicely once the birds have their final plumage. Pullets mature early and many will be in production between 5 and 6 months of age. They are quiet, gentle, and stand confinement well. Baby chicks are black with a good deal of white in the underparts and small white patches around the head and wings. We have handled this breed for years and think it is one of the best of the heavy breeds."
Hi!  Nice to see you on the Colorado thread!  I know nothing of Tolbunt Polish, so off to educate myself!  What kind of horses do you raise? 

Hi! My son is a huge chicken advocate and be found the tolbunt (not sure how lol) and fell in love! They are not easy to come by haha and I have literally driven across the country several times to start his flock!! But if he is going to take this on we want to make sure he does
It the correct way and is contributing to the breed-lol! We have tried hard to talk to the current farms breeding them to learn as much as we can and I am just crossing my fingers this works for him! It is a big project haha so we will see how it goes;-) it will be a pretty small flock to start that's for sure!! He is creative and used some bargaining skills to try and get chicks/eggs haha so I had to admire his persistance! Lets just say it has cost me a breeding to an otherwise not publicly offered stallion and a few other non monetary trades that I was not privy too haha! But I was impressed by his quick thinking so I went thru with it!! Have to admit I am pretty excited about it too;-) will have to invest in a better incubator once they start laying thou!

We breed performance horses, percherons and American miniatures. We show all over the country so adding the chickens to the mix has been pretty fun!!! I am looking forward
To meeting some people on the forum! We have an awesome neighbor who raises seramas and silkies, as well as geese and all sorts of things, and she has been amazing but I don't want to wear out our welcome!! She has an amazing set up and is very passionate so when it came to learning how to hatch she was a dream come true:) it was funny I found her on Craigslist when I was looking for a silkie roo and turned out she lives on the next street over!!!!
Anyway hope everyone has had a wonderful new year and I look forward to reading some more posts!! Will anyone be exhibiting at Stock Show??
Hi! My son is a huge chicken advocate and be found the tolbunt (not sure how lol) and fell in love! They are not easy to come by haha and I have literally driven across the country several times to start his flock!! But if he is going to take this on we want to make sure he does
It the correct way and is contributing to the breed-lol! We have tried hard to talk to the current farms breeding them to learn as much as we can and I am just crossing my fingers this works for him! It is a big project haha so we will see how it goes;-) it will be a pretty small flock to start that's for sure!! He is creative and used some bargaining skills to try and get chicks/eggs haha so I had to admire his persistance! Lets just say it has cost me a breeding to an otherwise not publicly offered stallion and a few other non monetary trades that I was not privy too haha! But I was impressed by his quick thinking so I went thru with it!! Have to admit I am pretty excited about it too;-) will have to invest in a better incubator once they start laying thou!
We breed performance horses, percherons and American miniatures. We show all over the country so adding the chickens to the mix has been pretty fun!!! I am looking forward
To meeting some people on the forum! We have an awesome neighbor who raises seramas and silkies, as well as geese and all sorts of things, and she has been amazing but I don't want to wear out our welcome!! She has an amazing set up and is very passionate so when it came to learning how to hatch she was a dream come true:) it was funny I found her on Craigslist when I was looking for a silkie roo and turned out she lives on the next street over!!!!
Anyway hope everyone has had a wonderful new year and I look forward to reading some more posts!! Will anyone be exhibiting at Stock Show??
Glad you all are off to a great start with the Tolbunts! Wow, those are some different breeds of horses, love the American Miniatures!

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