
So, I'm going crazy waiting for Elizabeth to post their chick schedule. I know myself well enough to know that once I get them ordered, I am patient enough to wait. But not even having them ordered and knowing delivery dates is driving me crazy.

I decided to wait until March to replace the GS I lost last October. Thinking I would like to find a boxer mix or another GS or a GS Mix. Don't know if I can wait til March for that either. Already visiting all the rescue sites and HSPPA site every day looking at pic. I guess I'm just hopeless at waiting.
So, I'm going crazy waiting for Elizabeth to post their chick schedule. I know myself well enough to know that once I get them ordered, I am patient enough to wait. But not even having them ordered and knowing delivery dates is driving me crazy.

I decided to wait until March to replace the GS I lost last October. Thinking I would like to find a boxer mix or another GS or a GS Mix. Don't know if I can wait til March for that either. Already visiting all the rescue sites and HSPPA site every day looking at pic. I guess I'm just hopeless at waiting.
Have you tried looking at Dakota Ranch Rescue? We got our Rot from them and he has been a joy! They had lots of good dogs, that are good with chickens because they live on the ranch with some.
LOL not to worry, we'll get to it next time.

Chicken Math + acreage = :jumpy :jumpy :jumpy :jumpy and so on, and so on ...

This year I'm putting up a 12x16 shed which will have a center aisle across the middle of the short side (so a 4' wide x 12' long aisle) and two pens on each side of the aisle.  I'm holding my breath as I await delivery of the "kit" - prebuilt floor, walls, and roof trusses.  Theoretically it could be up in a day, I believe it will take us at least the weekend to get the shell up, then I have to finish the inside, but the shell will help a lot.  As long as it's a good shell.  If it is I'll give the guy a plug here, and if it isn't I'll warn you away.

the chickies are scheduled for next week. they didnt have enough stock to get them out this week. :) yay chickies!
so, an odd question for ya'll... is turkeys poo like chicken poo, or more like goose poo? im trying to plan for turkeys, and i have no idea what to do for the floor for them. I learned quickly that deep litter was not going to work for them. too wet!

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