
Are you allowed to say the name of the non-profit? Not that I think I can do anything, I know I can't, but I can look for information. You are in an impossible situation. My only comment would be that you are not "as guilty of doing wrong" if toning down is the way you protect your son. I sense we are similar in nature and I know I find it next to impossible not to speak up when I see something as wrong as what you are seeing, but if the well-being of your son is in question you may have to get into that next-to place. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

I'm afraid right now to say which one. Never have I understood the importance of a Union until this weekend. I never understood because I've always worked for great places that treated me incredibly well.

Just thanks for listening everyone. I know there is nothing that anyone can do. Sorry about Bob. What kind of work does he do and salary range? Sometimes word of mouth is so important.
Hi All,
I just posted on CL that I have 140 feet of chain link fence and a gate that we don't want. I am offering it for free if anyone wants it. It needs to be taken down. Thought I would give all of my chicken loving friends first dips. Wendy
you can reach me on my cell phone 719-233-0650
They were pretty eggs. I can't wait for your crosses to start laying too... it should be soon. Mine are finally starting to go out of the coop with the big girls.

Sorry I haven't been around lately. There is major things going on at work. I work for a non-profit and it appears that there is a hostile takeover going on now. Once I know more, I'll let you know. I don't know anything regarding the fact only that I'm standing on the side of the kids while the interloper is trying to get her hands on the pot of gold earmarked for them. Where is the local Anonymous when you need them, right? Because there's a sizeable amount of money involved, the lawyer sharks are starting to swim because let's face it, the longer they stay involved, the more money they can siphon off earmarked for the children. I'm just so angry because the organization is responsible for my son learning to walk again and for standing by me in my darkest hours. It's one of the few organizations I've ever been involved with that truly supports the whole family when they are dealing with serious and life threatening illnesses. You guys can imagine that my neck is out there because I was raised that if we see wrong and do nothing, we are as guilty as those doing that wrong. So I've been very vocal and speaking very blunt things and now the intimidation is starting to flow my way.

I can't get into more than just generalities because I don't know the story. I do know that if they will intimidate me for for speaking out and trying to find clarity with transparency, there is something they are doing that isn't right. I'm scared because this is one organization that put the kids first. It's probably the only organization of this size that doesn't give exorbitant salaries to their executive staff and board. I don't know truly what is going on only that the true measure of a friend isn't what you do when your friend is at the top of their game. The measure of a friend is if you can stand with them when they are at their lowest.

I'm scared because I know that the little guy has no power against the big guy and there is so much money at stake now that I'm so afraid of being crushed. Standing against power and knowing you are outgunned but fighting for something is the hardest thing. I'm just so afraid. I'm going over scenarios now of being crushed and losing everything and where I'll put my chickens and my dogs or if I'll just go build a yurt someplace so they can be all with me. I don't need much. Only a roof, water and a space big enough for my dogs to run and my chickens to range. I've been homeless in my youth and also with my son right out of college so I'm not afraid of that. I'm afraid for those things I love being crushed because of my stand. My son is disabled but he's incredible. He just turned 18 and is in his second year of college. He's done more than the doctors or anybody believed he'd ever do. What if they continue playing dirty and begin to target him? I'm just so afraid so I haven't been sleeping well at night. I've been crying quite a bit and just praying. Please God in Heaven, protect our kids and please help your poor, humble servant to find the strength to do what's right. I am so just grateful that I was raised to believe in God because if I didn't, I'd never have the courage to face such long odds. Somehow knowing He's walking beside me gives me the courage to continue.

Sorry for blabbering but please just say your prayers for all of us trying to stand together.
Have you thought of going to the TV stations? Perhaps one of their 'trouble shooters' would be willing to shine some light on the dark and dirty (in the name of ratings, of course), while protecting your anonymity? Just a thought. Prayers go out for you, too.
Just wanted to let those of you experiencing unemployment know Bob has just joined your ranks. He was laid off yesterday mid-morning after they pushed him to hurry up and get to work early yesterday to finish a major service on a motor grader saying they were in a hurry to have it back. Turned out they were in a hurry to have it done so they could lay him off. We've gotten through it before, and we will again, I'm just really appalled at the way they treated him.
So sorry to hear this, also, can't believe they asked him to hurry in to complete his work, and then fired him!
Have you thought of going to the TV stations? Perhaps one of their 'trouble shooters' would be willing to shine some light on the dark and dirty (in the name of ratings, of course), while protecting your anonymity? Just a thought. Prayers go out for you, too.
Good idea, also Talk Radio might be a good source to leak this to. KVOR comes to mind. Might be worth a try.......
I'd jump on that fence in a snap, but my DH has been down with a bad back for the past few days, I'm going to have to pop for a chain link later this summer to partition off my hard for chickens/garden.
We are all down in the dumps over here with the unemployment blues too, I hope Bob finds something quickly. We are eyeballs deep in trying to get my DH's contract paid out of his last employer. It's very frustrating.
Good idea, also Talk Radio might be a good source to leak this to. KVOR comes to mind. Might be worth a try.......

Like all things, there is a bit of strategy involved. If things don't go as we hope, I suspect it will gets quite a bit of attention. It's just stressful now because I don't know anything other than what I have put together on my own. It's almost feeling around in the dark knowing there is a light switch but not knowing exactly where it is, only that it's there within an arms length.
I'm afraid right now to say which one. Never have I understood the importance of a Union until this weekend. I never understood because I've always worked for great places that treated me incredibly well.

Just thanks for listening everyone. I know there is nothing that anyone can do. Sorry about Bob. What kind of work does he do and salary range? Sometimes word of mouth is so important.

Bob is a heavy equipment mechanic with more than 30 years' experience. There isn't much he can't work on.

I have to say I'm conflicted, because it would be kind of handy to have him around for a few months to help me with projects, but if construction picks up as it is predicted this year, he probably won't be here long. I'll take what I can get, I guess :) He's no youngster, so when he spends all day climbing onto and off of scrapers, dozers, loaders, etc. he's a pretty tired guy, and I don't expect him to get home ready to help put up some new walls and whatnot.

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