
on a funnier note....

I went to my back door to fine Zoe standing at it looking all pathetic so I let her in. All three rush me and when I go to stop them they all plop down on the floor looking all cold and sad.

(could not get it to post right side up????)

Could you kick them out?
Too funny LOL
Wanted to introduce myself, my name is Jeni and we live in arvada. We have 2 showgirls, a black silkie, a sultan, a red bourbon, a bronze and a few serama in the house. We also just started getting rabbits to breed for meat.
I was wondering if anyone might know a good place to get hatching eggs, I built my own incubator back in october and have managed to hatch 1 quail out of 5 batches of eggs, about 30 eggs. I replaced my water heater thermostat with a wafer one and would like to try local eggs, since I keep reading about altitude being a problem with shipped eggs.
I'd be interested in quail and/or chicken eggs, I don't want to give up hatching yet. My last egg pipped but didn't hatch, so I know I'm close.
Anyway, nice to meet you all and look forward to chatting some more!
Wanted to introduce myself, my name is Jeni and we live in arvada. We have 2 showgirls, a black silkie, a sultan, a red bourbon, a bronze and a few serama in the house. We also just started getting rabbits to breed for meat.
I was wondering if anyone might know a good place to get hatching eggs, I built my own incubator back in october and have managed to hatch 1 quail out of 5 batches of eggs, about 30 eggs. I replaced my water heater thermostat with a wafer one and would like to try local eggs, since I keep reading about altitude being a problem with shipped eggs.
I'd be interested in quail and/or chicken eggs, I don't want to give up hatching yet. My last egg pipped but didn't hatch, so I know I'm close.
Anyway, nice to meet you all and look forward to chatting some more!
Hi Jeni!

Lots of us have or will have hatching eggs available.
Wanted to introduce myself, my name is Jeni and we live in arvada. We have 2 showgirls, a black silkie, a sultan, a red bourbon, a bronze and a few serama in the house. We also just started getting rabbits to breed for meat.
I was wondering if anyone might know a good place to get hatching eggs, I built my own incubator back in october and have managed to hatch 1 quail out of 5 batches of eggs, about 30 eggs. I replaced my water heater thermostat with a wafer one and would like to try local eggs, since I keep reading about altitude being a problem with shipped eggs.
I'd be interested in quail and/or chicken eggs, I don't want to give up hatching yet. My last egg pipped but didn't hatch, so I know I'm close.
Anyway, nice to meet you all and look forward to chatting some more!

Welcome! Hatching eggs are hard to come by this time of year but 'farm fresh' eggs on Craigslist can be fertile. You just have to call and ask.
Thanks. Yea, I've been looking on craigslist, I found one post on there I think I may contact. It would be nice to hatch them now and have them laying by spring/summer time.
Thanks. Yea, I've been looking on craigslist, I found one post on there I think I may contact. It would be nice to hatch them now and have them laying by spring/summer time.

I have a batch cooking right now, just put them in the bator this morning. They should hatch around the 2nd. If you can't find anything to hatch and you'd be interested pm me. :). Olive Eggers and Easter Eggers mostly with a small chance of pure Marans (only 3 chocolate eggs)
Wsmith, I am sooo interested in your doms! My barred rocks just won't go broodie. Keep us posted.

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