
I am watching 3 hens for Ronda up from Tx till next week. I'm feeling quite bummed when she comes to get them, it took a bit for them to settle in, but they are all settled in and friends now. Even have caught two of the girls snuggling up in the nest box together. Now, don't get me wrong, I am happy to be a step in mommy to her girls, and I love being able to help out a friend in need. But, now, I've seen how well having double my flock is working out I really want to add a few more girls. I think the ladies I'm watching go "home" in a few days, a week at the outset, they are around 2 yrs old, and my girls are about 10 months. I have 3 BA's and 1 Americana, who isn't laying yet, but I think we are getting close, she is squatting. I am hoping someone can help me out with some info. Optimally I'd like to add 4 more girls, my objective is loving the eggs. Ok, ok, I love the ladies!!! I'm addicted to the chickens...they are so cool!!! I love how they just follow me, talk to me and are just generally funny! Double the chickies. Double the fun! I also love being able to give my older folks home grown eggs and how my nephews love telling their friends "their" chickens lay them eggs. So, for me, eggs are the reason we have chickens... I dont want to get chicks again, I felt like it took forever for them to lay, and I don't know integrating chicks would work out with my girls, so I think finding some hens around the same age and breed as mine will work. I just want some girls that will fit in well, not meanies that will be mean to Tini, she's my Americana, and is skittish and has been picked on the most. I'd optimally like more BA's, as I like their personality and I like that they are good layers. I think they will fit in well, I wouldn't mind 3 more BAs and maybe another Americana so Tini won't be the runt if ya know what I mean? Does anyone know where I can acquire these? I know they sell birds at the stock show, but I worry about their health etc... I'd rather get more chickens from local sources and people I know, so, anyone? Thanks for help in advance! (PS...I will likely have to wait till we are working again, as money is an issue...)
Thank you!  I just emailed him about getting two.  I see why everyone says to have more than four for heat.  My girls are chilly (and I would like more eggs).

If you haven't already made up your mind, I'd highly recommend the Brahmas, ours are extremely good natured, great foragers, and the cold doesn't phase them at all. The one hen who is of laying age lays a huge egg about every other day, too bad it's always on the porch lol
Here is the website I built to help with my issues. There is much I left out because I'm afraid of big pockets coming after me more.


The agency is Nursing and Therapy of Colorado.

ps. know the phrase poking the bear? I'm officially poking the bear but if we don't fight, we'll lose our agency.

Nicely done!
I am watching 3 hens for Ronda up from Tx till next week. I'm feeling quite bummed when she comes to get them, it took a bit for them to settle in, but they are all settled in and friends now. Even have caught two of the girls snuggling up in the nest box together. Now, don't get me wrong, I am happy to be a step in mommy to her girls, and I love being able to help out a friend in need. But, now, I've seen how well having double my flock is working out I really want to add a few more girls. I think the ladies I'm watching go "home" in a few days, a week at the outset, they are around 2 yrs old, and my girls are about 10 months. I have 3 BA's and 1 Americana, who isn't laying yet, but I think we are getting close, she is squatting. I am hoping someone can help me out with some info. Optimally I'd like to add 4 more girls, my objective is loving the eggs. Ok, ok, I love the ladies!!! I'm addicted to the chickens...they are so cool!!! I love how they just follow me, talk to me and are just generally funny! Double the chickies. Double the fun! I also love being able to give my older folks home grown eggs and how my nephews love telling their friends "their" chickens lay them eggs. So, for me, eggs are the reason we have chickens... I dont want to get chicks again, I felt like it took forever for them to lay, and I don't know integrating chicks would work out with my girls, so I think finding some hens around the same age and breed as mine will work. I just want some girls that will fit in well, not meanies that will be mean to Tini, she's my Americana, and is skittish and has been picked on the most. I'd optimally like more BA's, as I like their personality and I like that they are good layers. I think they will fit in well, I wouldn't mind 3 more BAs and maybe another Americana so Tini won't be the runt if ya know what I mean? Does anyone know where I can acquire these? I know they sell birds at the stock show, but I worry about their health etc... I'd rather get more chickens from local sources and people I know, so, anyone? Thanks for help in advance! (PS...I will likely have to wait till we are working again, as money is an issue...)

I wanted to offer a few thoughts. I believe the birds at the show will be safe, most people who go to shows take pretty good care of their birds, but you won't be ready next weekend so it's kind of off the radar anyway. Stating here that you will be looking is always a good idea, and there may be someone who has a few BAs/EEs to send your way. Depending on when you are ready and how well my started pullets sell this spring, I may have a few BAs that aren't little chicks when you're back to work. I will be getting 25 BA chicks the first weekend in March, so they should be at POL in late August/early September. There will probably be subsequent orders. They are usually good layers, along with Leghorns and a few others. My Speckled Sussex have been pretty good, their eggs are still on the small side, but they have only started really laying in the last month or so, which is indicative of the fact they were developed to lay well in cold weather as well as carry enough flesh to serve as a good table bird.

I don't blame you a bit for wanting more :) It's funny how a few seem perfect until you have a few more, and then that is perfect :) Chicken Math rules!
Sorry about the short rant yesterday guys, I was just about beside myself. It was one of those oars to the back of your head' moments and I needed to vent somewhere.

On a lighter note, everything is holding steady in the incubator. :) I will be turning on the turner tonight and digging out the old brooder equipment to prep for their eventual arrival. :)
Sorry about the short rant yesterday guys, I was just about beside myself. It was one of those oars to the back of your head' moments and I needed to vent somewhere.

On a lighter note, everything is holding steady in the incubator. :) I will be turning on the turner tonight and digging out the old brooder equipment to prep for their eventual arrival. :)

Good luck!
Went to Big R and splurged a bit. Bought my waterers and feeders and chicken wire to build my brooder. I'm just going to staple some 36" high chicken wire to a 2x4 frame and lay it on the old linoleum in my unused basement. How important is a lid? Will they be able to escape a 3 foot wall? Also how small should the holes in the chicken wire be? Is 1" too big?

Also purchased a brooder lamp and some chain to hang it from the ceiling. Found a red 75w floodlight at walmart too.

I can't wait till the chicks come home!

Your brooder setup is similar to mine. You'll probably have about 3-4 weeks before the escape attempts start without a lid, probably longer with it being 3 ft tall. It took my meaties a good 7-8 weeks for 3 feet. With a draft guard (inside or outside the brooder) the chicken wire should be fine. It keeps them from finding anything interesting outside of the wire while they're small enough to get stuck. You'll probably want to put a tarp down under the brooder to make clean up easier. We have one big enough to bungie the the tarp up around the sides of the brooder to keep the wood shaving in the brooder instead of being flung all over the garage. Doing it that way also acts as a draft guard.

Which all reminds me that i need to get my brooder set up out in the workshop for the chicks that are coming friday. Whee!
So work was cancelled do to it being -10 outside. I fell back asleep and I dreamt that 2 olive eggs hatched early and I didn't have my brooder set up. I jolted out of bed and it took me a good 30 seconds to realize it was just a Man I need to lay off the chicken sauce.

Thanks for the advice dennarahl. The tarp idea is a good one. I failed to think about the wood shavings going everywhere and that should do the trick! Since work is cancelled I think I am going to build the brooder today.

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