
I think I would rather win the lottery! The really "cool" part is that we heat the house mainly with wood and I have gotten the inside temp back up to 57 from 50 when bus time hit. Cheers for the wood stove rolling again.
I think I would rather win the lottery! The really "cool" part is that we heat the house mainly with wood and I have gotten the inside temp back up to 57 from 50 when bus time hit. Cheers for the wood stove rolling again.
Beth and I would like to someday get a couple of wood stoves for the house. Also a 1000 gallon water tank, tied into the house water system.
Day 16 in the incubator. I am down to 2 eggs from 4 at this point. I am close to finishing the brooder. I covered the top, and it got up to 103 degrees, so I know I can get it where I need it. Still not counting the chicks, but I ordered a feeder, waterer, and will get shavings and feed on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

The box inside is for wheat grass. I plan on putting wire over it, and of course over the top. That way the chicks will have something to do besides trying to break out!!
Day 16 in the incubator. I am down to 2 eggs from 4 at this point. I am close to finishing the brooder. I covered the top, and it got up to 103 degrees, so I know I can get it where I need it. Still not counting the chicks, but I ordered a feeder, waterer, and will get shavings and feed on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

The box inside is for wheat grass. I plan on putting wire over it, and of course over the top. That way the chicks will have something to do besides trying to break out!!

Wow, you did a great job! It makes me want one of my own and to raise my own chicks again. Hubby would not like the thoughts going through my head right now...

As a side note, I don't know if any of you remember me talking about my little Arry getting quite loud at times. However I did discover a treatment that appears to have helped greatly with that problem. It requires a lot of time but I started picking her up when she is really loud and briefly holding her beak (or stroking it quickly) when she tried to make noise while I was holding her. Then after about 5 min I would put her on the ground and hold her gently but firmly down. (when she is loud but not warning loud I will start with this) When she was quiet I would slowly release my hold when she made noise I would re-tighten it. She is not a fan of being held so this helped but since then (about 3 or 4 months) she has only gotten really loud once and she quickly calms down when she sees me. Just yesterday she was angry at the squirrel on our deck, but she resisted the temptation to yell at him. In this case it was necessary or I would have had to re-home her, possible cull her. Just my own experiments, maybe they will help someone in the future.
So I bought a lb of ezpeel shrimp and then had a bowl of shrimp tails sitting there after making dinner and was lazy and decided to use the same bowl for chicken leftovers and you know what? Chickens love shrimp peels, in fact, I would say they go psycho over them
So I bought a lb of ezpeel shrimp and then had a bowl of shrimp tails sitting there after making dinner and was lazy and decided to use the same bowl for chicken leftovers and you know what? Chickens love shrimp peels, in fact, I would say they go psycho over them

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