
Wow, you did a great job! It makes me want one of my own and to raise my own chicks again. Hubby would not like the thoughts going through my head right now...

As a side note, I don't know if any of you remember me talking about my little Arry getting quite loud at times. However I did discover a treatment that appears to have helped greatly with that problem. It requires a lot of time but I started picking her up when she is really loud and briefly holding her beak (or stroking it quickly) when she tried to make noise while I was holding her. Then after about 5 min I would put her on the ground and hold her gently but firmly down. (when she is loud but not warning loud I will start with this) When she was quiet I would slowly release my hold when she made noise I would re-tighten it. She is not a fan of being held so this helped but since then (about 3 or 4 months) she has only gotten really loud once and she quickly calms down when she sees me. Just yesterday she was angry at the squirrel on our deck, but she resisted the temptation to yell at him. In this case it was necessary or I would have had to re-home her, possible cull her. Just my own experiments, maybe they will help someone in the future.

I do remember you telling us about this, and I am really happy to see you were able to fix the problem!
So today was fairly productive. I built my brooder. I still need to cut a tarp to fit an staple it to the bottom as well as cut 2 ft strips of tarp to fasten along the bottom edge to keep the bedding in and draft out. It's bigger then it looks, it's 4 ft high and 6ft x 6ft. Only cost me about $25 to build(not including the light.). I was going to build it 3 ft high but the chicken wire was only $1 more to go to 4ft.

I built the gate 2 ft off the ground so that the chicks can't run out when I open it to enter.

You should have seen the look on the wife's face when she saw it!

Day 16 in the incubator. I am down to 2 eggs from 4 at this point. I am close to finishing the brooder. I covered the top, and it got up to 103 degrees, so I know I can get it where I need it. Still not counting the chicks, but I ordered a feeder, waterer, and will get shavings and feed on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

The box inside is for wheat grass. I plan on putting wire over it, and of course over the top. That way the chicks will have something to do besides trying to break out!!

Nice! Mine has cardboard box about that color. :)

So I bought a lb of ezpeel shrimp and then had a bowl of shrimp tails sitting there after making dinner and was lazy and decided to use the same bowl for chicken leftovers and you know what? Chickens love shrimp peels, in fact, I would say they go psycho over them


Nicely done!

Thanks. It was quiet today all around so we'll see. Like anything grassroots, it takes time.

Sorry about the short rant yesterday guys, I was just about beside myself. It was one of those oars to the back of your head' moments and I needed to vent somewhere.

On a lighter note, everything is holding steady in the incubator.
I will be turning on the turner tonight and digging out the old brooder equipment to prep for their eventual arrival.

It's ok.... Sometimes only another chicken person can understand how you feel. It's been my experience that the more you love chickens, the more you get along with other chicken people. Sort of like joining the Marines without all the physical fitness.

So work was cancelled do to it being -10 outside. I fell back asleep and I dreamt that 2 olive eggs hatched early and I didn't have my brooder set up. I jolted out of bed and it took me a good 30 seconds to realize it was just a Man I need to lay off the chicken sauce.

Thanks for the advice dennarahl. The tarp idea is a good one. I failed to think about the wood shavings going everywhere and that should do the trick! Since work is cancelled I think I am going to build the brooder today.

I hate when I'm reading a book and swear, swear I hear a chicken and nothing. it's just the house.
Nice! Mine has cardboard box about that color. :)


Thanks. It was quiet today all around so we'll see. Like anything grassroots, it takes time.

It's ok.... Sometimes only another chicken person can understand how you feel. It's been my experience that the more you love chickens, the more you get along with other chicken people. Sort of like joining the Marines without all the physical fitness.

I hate when I'm reading a book and swear, swear I hear a chicken and nothing. it's just the house.

1 - Please keep us posted. I am very interested in whether the truth behind Kathy's forced leave ever comes out.
2 - LOL exactly right :)
3 - We run recorded episodes of Gunsmoke when there is nothing on TV. Yesterday I could not figure out whether the Hen Alarm was being sounded by mine or the Gunsmoke hens, so I finally just opened the door ... to a group of hens asking, what's up? Got an apple?
Oh, well I guess I mis-numbered - 1 should have been 2, etc.

1 should have been, I am thinking about a Rubbermaid shed inside the barn for brooding for the first 2-3 weeks ... not a fully enclosed barn, but shelter from the wind.

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