
Actually I was referring to quail eggs, but good to know about fulenwider farms. I actually got a call from the place in Hudson and picked up a pair of Gamble's and a tuxedo and tennessee red quail today. He carries 5 different color and will have more in the spring.

Are referring to Fulenwider Farms?  I've been in touch with them over the last few weeks and spoke with them just this past Saturday.  I'm on a contact list for their chick hatching which should be starting in about a week.
Hi Newbies! I know, very androgynous, but it is hard to keep up and you lose your typing when you try to double check a back page. We should ask to add Fulenwider Farms to the coloradochickens web site. Didn't even know they existed! I want to try quail because I heard that they are more efficient in converting feed into meat and eggs. If I get more usable product from my dollar, I am willing to give it a try. I also would like some Silver Fox rabbits.
Eggs, I have more orders for eggs than I can fill now. I have already warned my customers that they might go up to 4.00/doz, depending on the swings in feed costs . I could sell 8 to 10 dozen a week now and not all of my regulars are on line for eggs yet because the girls took a holiday. (Which is fair, not bad-mouthing the ladies!)
So, my hubby looks at me this am and says, "So when are we getting quail? I know how you are. You mention an animal and then everyone forgets about it except you and then one day, bam, there will be 150 quail in the house! " He was actually laughing when he said this! I think after almost 30 years of marriage, he's got me figured out! LOL!

Margie, have you tried Craigslist for your rabbit search? I have Satins, New Zealand Reds and Florida Whites, all having been found on that site.
I didn't know they were there either, I can certainly drop them an email this weekend and offer them a page. I am concerned that they have "Road" Island Reds, but hey, when you grow up the daughter of an English teacher that sort of thing just jumps out at you, I guess :) I can edit anything they send me for spelling.
WHEW !!! Ya'll write fast! I go outside to feed the 'stock, come in to have supper, log on and you guys are already 6 pages past where I left off.

Anyway, Pozees, did you happen to see in Pueblo Craigslist the listing for the Shakespearean chickens? I'm referring to an add for Bard Rocks.
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WHEW !!! Ya'll write fast! I go outside to feed the 'stock, come in to have supper, log on and you guys are already 6 pages past where I left off.

Anyway, Pozees, did you happen to see in Pueblo Craigslist the listing for the Shakespearean chickens? I'm referring to an add for Bard Rocks.

LOL No I missed that one I guess :) I went yesterday to look at what was described to me as a 6'x3' handcrafted chicken coop that had never been used, that this person wanted to sell pronto because she is moving. I feel really sorry for people who get ripped off, partly because I am prone to it, and this 6x3 coop was actually about 2.5' square with a 2x2-framed run covered with chicken wire - in other words, *maybe* enough room for 2 small hens that get along really well - for which she had paid $400. It does have 2 handles and 2 wheels, but still, if there was $100 in materials there I would be shocked.

My lesson? Before you drive 45 minutes to look at something that sounds like a good deal, ask for pictures.
Actually I was referring to quail eggs, but good to know about fulenwider farms. I actually got a call from the place in Hudson and picked up a pair of Gamble's and a tuxedo and tennessee red quail today. He carries 5 different color and will have more in the spring.

Are you going to raise quail to eat, or some other reason? Gambels are indigenous, we used to see them a lot more than we have since the drought kicked in, I think they are very pretty. Post us some pictures if you can, I would like to see what the others look like!

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