
Only one chick made it, but 1 chick made it!!! My first chick! 21 days, and 1 hour!
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I know nothing of incubators, but those pictures are terrible, you can hardly make it out.  My question is why???  Did they give you a brand name on this cabinet incubator? 

Why? Well, because I am in the market for an incubator and $40 sounds better then $150 lol. Yes the pictures are bad, the lady has been strange through texts. Very vague. Said she used it for gecko eggs. She said she doesn't know the brand. I guess she can't read? Lol I don't know why she can't tell me what writing is on it. I may go look at it and see what I can find out about it. I was under the assumption the cabinet incubators are much more expensive then the other style.

Only one chick made it, but 1 chick made it!!! My first chick! 21 days, and 1 hour!

Congratulations!! Poor guy needs a buddy now so he doesn't get lonely. I've heard that putting a mirror in there can help.
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Thank you all!! I put a mirror in. Seems pretty lethargic. Don't know how normal that is. It starts chirping every now and then. I chirp to him and he perks right up! First day is rough on us both!! LOL Not sure who layed him, but his dad is a Speckled Sussex.
Oh my goodness, where are you?  I agree, family and those in need if you're giving them away.  Someone here gives extras to the local volunteer fire department, which I think is a great idea, I think it was Dennarahl but could be mistaken.

Nope, not me. I think its someone one the springs area if I remember right

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