
Originally Posted by suncatcher

I know nothing of incubators, but those pictures are terrible, you can hardly make it out. My question is why??? Did they give you a brand name on this cabinet incubator?

Why? Well, because I am in the market for an incubator and $40 sounds better then $150 lol. Yes the pictures are bad, the lady has been strange through texts. Very vague. Said she used it for gecko eggs. She said she doesn't know the brand. I guess she can't read? Lol I don't know why she can't tell me what writing is on it. I may go look at it and see what I can find out about it. I was under the assumption the cabinet incubators are much more expensive then the other style.

Well, there you go! lol I wonder if it is a reptile cabinet incubator, kinda like this one,

You may already have found this thread asking about using medical incubators. The salient point I took from it was that there may be no ventilation, therefore no air circulation, which may inhibit hatching.

Honestly, I can't say either way. I am sort of a worrier, and when in doubt I fall back to the things I know. Medical incubators are not on the list of things I know anything about.

It can be hard to balance the cost of a new and warranted incubator against the willingness to spend a third of the money and risk have a poor hatch, or no hatch at all. If you are hatching your own eggs and they are not part of a breeding program that requires you to hatch a certain number of chicks every year, it's easier to take a risk. If you are paying for hatching eggs or are trying to start or continue a breeding program and a good hatch rate is pretty crucial, or if you just cannot abide the thought of risking the lives of the chicks, I'd probably give it a pass. But that is just me. Someone else may jump in and tell you to snatch up this great deal - as I said, I just have no knowledge of medical incubators.
You could probably add a fan to this one for little money, but to add an egg turner will be more pricey. Pozees is right you might just want to make your own! Have not looked at them recently here on BYC, but I am sure they are fairly simple. I did see where one family made a BIG cabinet style out of wood, egg turner included. Off to see if I can find it again.
does anyone have silkies in a flock with their reg layers? Can they be in a coop together? Do the silkies need lower roosts or have different requirements then the layers? I want a silkie, but have no this is just for future plans. lol

I don't have silkies, but a variety of barred rock, cochins, and mixes (and a pair of turkeys and ducks) and they all share the coop with a roost made from a pallet. Some on top, some in the middle and some on the bottom. They go where they fit, including the nesting boxes and the chick pen. Haven't had any arguments from them yet.

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