
Do you think I need an additional feeder? These girls don't give clean water 5 minutes and they have to kick bedding in it. I had my first escapee yesterday. Had to put a lid on the open end of the brooder.

I actually used an old dog water bowl. It is one that has a wide base and it's partially hollowed out around the bowl itself underneath (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I flipped it over and put the waterer on top, so it raises it up and makes a little catch all area around the waterer. There's still lots of pop in there, but it has cut down on the shavings.
All this talk of new chicks! I got my marans and buff orp babies tonight. I haven't figured out how to post pics, yet, though.
Where did you get them from, and how old?
I actually used an old dog water bowl. It is one that has a wide base and it's partially hollowed out around the bowl itself underneath (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I flipped it over and put the waterer on top, so it raises it up and makes a little catch all area around the waterer. There's still lots of pop in there, but it has cut down on the shavings.

Good idea

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