
So yesterday afternoonI'm siting in breeder pen B, watching and interacting with the 4 hens in the pen. I can see through the fence boards a little of whats going on in pen A. Abe is bothering one of the hens, waiting for her to "accept" him...#12, Patty McFatty is in the coop in pen A on her nest. All of a sudden, Patty McFatty startes her "I've laid and egg" call, and is standing in the coop doorway. I get up and go to collect the egg. Nothing. Nada. She was lieing to me. I gave her a chewing out, told her she needs to actually lay an egg, and not just talk about it. I leave, and then go back out about an hour later. Apparently she listened to me...... The fertile eggs are adding up, and we should have around 30 by Sunday.

I'm a little aprehensive about this bunch of eggs, as it will be the first batch of the year and we don't have a clue what the fertility or hatch rates will be...... I know Abe has been doing his job, but how fertile they are is the big question. Lots of things are riding on this hatch....... Lots of effort and expense.......Will it pay off?.......

It sounds like there is a problem with inconsistent variables in your incubator. The conditions should be relatively stable throughout and it sounds as though they aren't. Is it forced air or still?
Forced air. I have a new thermometer I calibrated and it looks like the incubator isn't holding as steady a temp as I thought it was before. I can't tell if it is the new thermometer or the incubator but the new one is digital and seems to swing up and down by about .5 degrees. The old thermometer shows steady temps but it is a dial display so small fluxes may not be obvious.
So yesterday afternoonI'm siting in breeder pen B, watching and interacting with the 4 hens in the pen. I can see through the fence boards a little of whats going on in pen A. Abe is bothering one of the hens, waiting for her to "accept" him...#12, Patty McFatty is in the coop in pen A on her nest. All of a sudden, Patty McFatty startes her "I've laid and egg" call, and is standing in the coop doorway. I get up and go to collect the egg. Nothing. Nada. She was lieing to me. I gave her a chewing out, told her she needs to actually lay an egg, and not just talk about it. I leave, and then go back out about an hour later. Apparently she listened to me...... The fertile eggs are adding up, and we should have around 30 by Sunday.

I'm a little aprehensive about this bunch of eggs, as it will be the first batch of the year and we don't have a clue what the fertility or hatch rates will be...... I know Abe has been doing his job, but how fertile they are is the big question. Lots of things are riding on this hatch....... Lots of effort and expense.......Will it pay off?.......


When are you setting them?
Forced air. I have a new thermometer I calibrated and it looks like the incubator isn't holding as steady a temp as I thought it was before. I can't tell if it is the new thermometer or the incubator but the new one is digital and seems to swing up and down by about .5 degrees. The old thermometer shows steady temps but it is a dial display so small fluxes may not be obvious.

I'm more concerned about the changing humidity conditions. You may have some areas too moist, some too dry. If your eggs are from here, your humidity settings were just fine but yet cementing occurred. So it sounds as though some areas of the incubator was too dry. If you raise the humidity, you risk drowning the other ones. In your last batch, you had drowning. I would call the manufacturer and get their advice.
I'm more concerned about the changing humidity conditions. You may have some areas too moist, some too dry. If your eggs are from here, your humidity settings were just fine but yet cementing occurred. So it sounds as though some areas of the incubator was too dry. If you raise the humidity, you risk drowning the other ones. In your last batch, you had drowning. I would call the manufacturer and get their advice.
I will be calling before my next batch. I have a thought for next time though. I just need some supplies...
Skinning a chicken. Some of what he says is objectionable but I do like what he says about not wasting chicken meat when you go out to eat.
My chicks aren't interested in any of my treats. I have tried small pieces of spinach, cherry tomoatoes (cut in small pieces), scrambled egg, and shredded cheese. They just kind of play with it for a few minutes, but never really eat it. They then lose interest. Any other suggestions? I heard meal worms can be dangerous to chicks unless you cut off their heads or thank you. I will wait until they are big enough to do that on their own.
Question! My Sebright still has a soft stool. This has been going since day 1. Is there something I should be feeding her to correct this or will it work its self out?

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