
My chicks aren't interested in any of my treats. I have tried small pieces of spinach, cherry tomoatoes (cut in small pieces), scrambled egg, and shredded cheese. They just kind of play with it for a few minutes, but never really eat it. They then lose interest. Any other suggestions? I heard meal worms can be dangerous to chicks unless you cut off their heads or thank you. I will wait until they are big enough to do that on their own.
Dried mealworms are an option. Maybe yogurt sprinkled with their crumbles...
My chicks aren't interested in any of my treats. I have tried small pieces of spinach, cherry tomoatoes (cut in small pieces), scrambled egg, and shredded cheese. They just kind of play with it for a few minutes, but never really eat it. They then lose interest. Any other suggestions? I heard meal worms can be dangerous to chicks unless you cut off their heads or thank you. I will wait until they are big enough to do that on their own.
How old are they? Very young chicks don't always go for the food items, treats, like older birds. With mine, I don't even offer them stuff until they are sveral weeks old. Even then, they tend to play keep away more than eating the treat in earnest.
How old are they? Very young chicks don't always go for the food items, treats, like older birds. With mine, I don't even offer them stuff until they are sveral weeks old. Even then, they tend to play keep away more than eating the treat in earnest.
Maybe that's my issue. I believe they are 3 weeks old on Friday. They do the keep away thing also! Maybe they will get more interested in the upcoming weeks then...
Aaand just kidding. They will be two weeks on Sunday. :) That's probably really why they don't like anything yet.

Make sure you give them grit if you are starting treats. Never heard of the mealworm beheading thing, that's a new one!

Question! My Sebright still has a soft stool. This has been going since day 1. Is there something I should be feeding her to correct this or will it work its self out?

I would try some yoghurt or probiotics and see if it helps. Won't hurt anyway.
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Make sure you give them grit if you are starting treats. Never heard of the mealworm beheading thing, that's a new one!

Question! My Sebright still has a soft stool. This has been going since day 1. Is there something I should be feeding her to correct this or will it work its self out?

I would try some yoghurt or probiotics and see if it helps. Won't hurt anyway.
Does chick food not have grit in it? Oh much to learn. It sure looks grittish.

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