
I had a thought the other day - actually more like a nightmare right before I woke up - if you had a flock that consisted of Barred Rocks, Cuckoo Marans, and Dominiques, would you spend every minute reminding yourself which was which? LOL Just random chicken thoughts :)
I'm going to show my chicken nerdness now.... dominiques have a lighter barred pattern with a rose comb. Cuckoo marans have a single comb and usually pinkish legs. Barred Rocks have yellow legs with single combs.

I'm around chickens way, way too much.
Does anyone know of any breeders in Colorado that have Icelandics? I would like to get a few and keep them separate from the rest of my flock, so my kids can do 4H this year with a rare breed. Or maybe start to breed these in colorado. I havent seen any around these parts at all.
I have 13 eggs hatching sunday(fingers crossed). 8 that look real far along, 4 that I can't candle(green EE), and a brown that may have quit. Here is the last batch.
Does anyone know of any breeders in Colorado that have Icelandics? I would like to get a few and keep them separate from the rest of my flock, so my kids can do 4H this year with a rare breed. Or maybe start to breed these in colorado. I havent seen any around these parts at all.
I haven't seen any around but that doesn't mean they aren't here. Maybe try the colorado poultry association for contacts.
Just put the chicks 'to bed' for the night. One of my orpingtons already had some poo stuck on her butt.... I wiped it off and it came off pretty easily, so do you think it's the early stages of pasty butt or she just got some stuck on her feathers?

Also, one of the orpingtons (I'm ALMOST certain ti's the same one every time) does this weird stretching thing where she stretches one of her legs out behind her, flat on the floor and then lays her front on the floor. Kind of like a yoga pose, or something. The whole things lasts barely a second but I've seen it multiple times already. It's HILARIOUS!
The chicks made it through the night!! But that same one has pasty butt (not too bad yet) and I think another is trying to get it started. Guess I'll be switching from vitamin water to ACV/molasses today!!
I'm going to show my chicken nerdness now.... dominiques have a lighter barred pattern with a rose comb. Cuckoo marans have a single comb and usually pinkish legs. Barred Rocks have yellow legs with single combs.

I'm around chickens way, way too much.
Thats fantastic..i love this info! thanks so much!! I aspire to be such a nerd!!!!
I've been doing acv. I didn't know about molasses. How much and do u put them both in the water?

So here are my thoughts on pasty butt. In nature, almost all baby animals eat poop in order to get their gut bacteria started. I haven't seen pasty butt in broody raised chicks and maybe, because we are raising most chicks in a "sterile environment", without adult chicken poop and such things around, our chicks would benefit from a dose of probiotics right off the bat as well.

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