
Mine is limited to 4 hens, I have 2. And the coop is limited to 120 square feet... Which could equal a 10' x 12' area, I think. Not sure how to calculate it for a coop. It can't be any taller than 7' high and must be 6' away from any property lines. I bought my coop from I got 'The Saloon'. They are pretty expensive, but so easy to put together, high, high quality, and perfect size for my 2 girls.
Also, Longmont doesn't allow free ranging unless all neighbors give u written consent.
Very nice coop!
I need some advice, please. (First time chick owner) I moved my 5 chicks to the coop yesterday. They were so excited and did great last night with a heat lamp. But, they came out of their coop this morning and I think they can't figure out where their food and water is? I'm not sure. They keep running under the coop instead of in it and I haven't seem them drink or go in there once. So I put them all in there and blocked the door. Are chickens smart enough to know how to get back where they came from? Do I need to keep them in there a few days for them to learn its home. I blocked the door and they keep sticking their cute little chicken heads through the door acting like they want back out. Their coop is much larger than their large dog kennel they were in, so I know they have plenty of room! Do I let them out into the run and assume they know how to get back in or not?
How old are they? I would assume they know how to get back into the coop, but sometimes they seem to be a little slow. You could always put food and water out in the run for a couple of days if you are worried. I have not had that issue with my chicks before, but they also can't get under the coop. They are probably just exploring and excited to be out and about. Most people have issues with them not wanting to roost in the coop at night...
and I guess it would depend on how high it is to get back in the coop.
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How old are they? I would assume they know how to get back into the coop, but sometimes they seem to be a little slow. You could always put food and water out in the run for a couple of days if you are worried. I have not had that issue with my chicks before, but they also can't get under the coop. They are probably just exploring and excited to be out and about. Most people have issues with them not wanting to roost in the coop at night...
and I guess it would depend on how high it is to get back in the coop.

Yes, I would add that as long as the run is safe, they don't actually need to go back into the coop until dusk. Some have to be placed back in the coop at night the first few nights, but they usually get the hang of it pretty fast. You could even consider moving the food and water out into the run, maybe even under the coop, permanently. That is what I do, I only put food and water inside the coop if it's too stormy a day for them to come out and get enough to eat and drink. It's one of those things that you can manage either way, I just prefer to keep rations in the run.

Do you have your coop anchored or in an area protected from wind? If your coop is the one I'm thinking of it's fairly lightweight, I have one like it, and I won't use it again until I have it repaired and anchored, and then will just use it either for pair breeding or as a grow-out coop. It has twice been flung by the wind, luckily it was not occupied. I used it to grow out my Speckled Sussex pullets and introduce them to the other two girls, and it worked well for that, it was inside a 10x10 chain link run against a corner, with a cover over the run, but once I moved it out of the run it was not safe.
So, I'm curious, did any of them let you stay with your chickens?
Though they had to agree they would do a great job fertilizing there lawn the had to say no. My mother in law is going to take them. I just could not resist when they asked me if I had any pets.
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I need some advice, please. (First time chick owner) I moved my 5 chicks to the coop yesterday. They were so excited and did great last night with a heat lamp. But, they came out of their coop this morning and I think they can't figure out where their food and water is? I'm not sure. They keep running under the coop instead of in it and I haven't seem them drink or go in there once. So I put them all in there and blocked the door. Are chickens smart enough to know how to get back where they came from? Do I need to keep them in there a few days for them to learn its home. I blocked the door and they keep sticking their cute little chicken heads through the door acting like they want back out. Their coop is much larger than their large dog kennel they were in, so I know they have plenty of room! Do I let them out into the run and assume they know how to get back in or not?
For some reason mine dislike going back in the coop during the day expect to lay and then it is a quick squat and run. They also only ate the food inside if they had to, snow days. If I did not have food outside they would eat grass all day. I had to move a food and water source outside the coop for mine. I think they look to the coop as a prison. By the way my avatar is Menchi the last time I cleaned there coop, I think they have gotten the association of I clean coop then I make it snow. They raise a big fuss every time I clean and give me dirty looks.
Exciting project this weekend (Weather permitting
) is the chicken run. My fence has been doing a fine job, but we take off for Europe in less than a month and I don't want my Father-In-law to have to worry about them. Next 5g watering bucket with autofill and finallyI picked up a fancy plug in thermo heat switch for the heat lamp (33* on & 55* off)! Well worth the $24 to not have to worry about the chicks freezing!

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