

Thats just wrong on so many levels. Funny, but wrong.
Thnks for the help everyone! I don't think it's my coop that's lightweight. I've never posted a picture before. My husband made it and its anchored to logs, but it sits up so the chickens can hang out underneath it. I'll try some of your suggestions! Thanks so much for everyone's help.
I don't know if I got hardy chickens, or living in CO has made them hardy. My hens stood out in the hail and rain Monday night and finally went in when the sun went down. My husband fed them Tuesday and they were just fine.
This probably has been asked but wanted to get some advice from my Colorado experts. I was planning on moving my 6 week old chicks to the coop this weekend with a warming light for the night. They will be kept inside the coop for the first week while we finish the outside run.

We just looked at the weather and it is going to be another cold week. Low 40's and high 30's for the highs and into the 20's for the lows. Do you think I should wait a week or just pull the trigger? They are fully feathered out and getting very crowded in the brooder. Although we are not having any pecking issues (that I can see). My DH thinks we should wait a week with the weather forecast. ??
This probably has been asked but wanted to get some advice from my Colorado experts. I was planning on moving my 6 week old chicks to the coop this weekend with a warming light for the night. They will be kept inside the coop for the first week while we finish the outside run.

We just looked at the weather and it is going to be another cold week. Low 40's and high 30's for the highs and into the 20's for the lows. Do you think I should wait a week or just pull the trigger? They are fully feathered out and getting very crowded in the brooder. Although we are not having any pecking issues (that I can see). My DH thinks we should wait a week with the weather forecast. ??

I moved chicks out to the new coop when they were 4 and 5 weeks old, Bob is a worry wart so we hung a heat lamp the first few days, and then I turned it off. This past week when it got down to 11 degrees I did give them a heated waterer, but did not turn the heat light back on, and they're all still here :) The building is not insulated.

ETA: If you don't have at least 4 I might wait a week, if there are only 2 or 3 they might not be able to stay warm enough, although if you have a light out there, honestly they should be fine. Chickens are very good at staying warm. They manage cold much better than heat.
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Thnks for the help everyone! I don't think it's my coop that's lightweight. I've never posted a picture before. My husband made it and its anchored to logs, but it sits up so the chickens can hang out underneath it. I'll try some of your suggestions! Thanks so much for everyone's help.

Oh okay, sorry for the confusion, sounds like yours is plenty heavy enough!
Today i evicted the babies from the basement into the coop with the big girls. So far so good. i'm curious how they will all do in the am when they wait for the door to open....My maran was a little unsettled and unsure about the roost i provided. The others cuddled where they were placed. Im optimistic!
So, we candled our Polish frizzle eggs tonight, looks like 12/18 are viable. These are shipped eggs, so I'd be happy to get just one to hatch. Depending on how many hatch, some may be needing homes as we are already past our chicken limit.....
I have an escape artist! If I have the brooder lid open Buffy jump/flies out. She used to need to jump on the waterer, but tonight I was cleaning it out and came back into the room to find Buffy sitting on the edge of the box.... Then another one almost made it out, if her aim had been better she would have been successful!

I need to get these girls out of my house!! They are 4 and 5 weeks old and have many feathers. But the coop/run is barely started! All this moisture is really preventing me from getting the work done that needs doing. :(

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