
Hey all. Two questions!
1. I'm putting up my coop/run as soon as all the snow clears out. Do you all put pine shavings in the run as well as in the coop? Or do you just let the chickens be on the ground in the run? How do u clean up the poo if its just on the ground?
2. My chicks (4 wks old) wont eat anything but their feed and meal worms (live or dried). They turn their 'beaks' up at any fruit or veggies, bread, etc. is that just because of their age? Or do I have picky chicks on my hands?
I think there's too many people planning to do major coop work this weekend (me included). Given that the last time this happened we had a HUGE snow dump... I think I'm going to have to ask you all to please postpone your plans so I can get mine done!
That stock tank will be huge for 15 chicks. But the price is right. Do you have room for it?

I could make room in my (drywalled, but not insulated) garage... if I can get a handle on the temperature first (I have a brinsea brooder). No way it will fit in my house. Still looking for something else - an oblong trough would fit much better, in the house, even.

I think there's too many people planning to do major coop work this weekend (me included). Given that the last time this happened we had a HUGE snow dump... I think I'm going to have to ask you all to please postpone your plans so I can get mine done!
DOn't blame me... this coop has to get done, or I'm in trouble!!
I could make room in my (drywalled, but not insulated) garage... if I can get a handle on the temperature first (I have a brinsea brooder). No way it will fit in my house. Still looking for something else - an oblong trough would fit much better, in the house, even.
I have an oblong trough stock tank. I keep them, well I did...we moved out to renovate. Now I don't know where I will brood the one's I have coming next week...anyway, I did keep them in an unheated store room in the stock tank. They are fine with a light. It helps to put the tank up on blocks because the floor is really cold. Even with wood chips, I would still raise it up on an unheated cement floor.
Hey all. Two questions!
1. I'm putting up my coop/run as soon as all the snow clears out. Do you all put pine shavings in the run as well as in the coop? Or do you just let the chickens be on the ground in the run? How do u clean up the poo if its just on the ground?
2. My chicks (4 wks old) wont eat anything but their feed and meal worms (live or dried). They turn their 'beaks' up at any fruit or veggies, bread, etc. is that just because of their age? Or do I have picky chicks on my hands?

1. I think most people leave the run bare. If you were going to cover the ground of the run you could use mulch or grass clippings, both of which are probably cheaper and would compost better.
2. Your chicks are probably a bit young for those extras. Soon enough they'll be gobbling up any scraps they can find :)
Oh come on weather, I'm almost done with our coop. I want our meatys out of our greenhouse! How are the rest of you getting on with your coops. I only have two more pallets to put up:) then set the window and side. Oops forgot the roof, ill need one of those too:) so close but so far away. My girls keep investigating, they laid eggs all day as I was working on it but I guess they know its all for them. I heard another storm is coming we didn't get much snow here just cold and ice......I want Spring!
I know exactly how you feel. We just finished our coop yesterday and did some tweeking today. It felt as though it was never going to get done and that the girls would be full grown hens sleeping in the bed with us!!

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