
Hey all. Two questions!
1. I'm putting up my coop/run as soon as all the snow clears out. Do you all put pine shavings in the run as well as in the coop? Or do you just let the chickens be on the ground in the run? How do u clean up the poo if its just on the ground?
2. My chicks (4 wks old) wont eat anything but their feed and meal worms (live or dried). They turn their 'beaks' up at any fruit or veggies, bread, etc. is that just because of their age? Or do I have picky chicks on my hands?

FYI Just in case ( Lots of new owners lately) Please make sure you have given them grit along with those treats otherwise they won't be able to grind them up in their gizzards.
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Well we were expecting a double yolk, didn't expect a whole 'nother egg inside

So cool!
I want to get my coop up this weekend too, but I'll gladly take the snow, just no more wind. I am sort of ready for my five peeps to be out of our guest bathroom though. They have reached the stage where staying in the doggie pool we brought in for their brooder quarters just isn't interesting anymore so they have to check out everything else. They get into every nook and cranny and the cats are having a blast trying to take a swipe at them under the door everytime they get close. Does anyone know at what age they start clucking instead of peeping? Right now they sound like the songbirds that wake me up at 3 in the morning.
I just have the run to build and a chicken wire divider in the coop to get my chicks in with the older pullets.
BTW - the plug in thermostat switch is working great. On @ 34 off @ 60ish.
I read an article that said sometimes a hen has trouble and the egg goes back up the wrong way, then it can get encased again within a new shell. On the Chicken Chick's blog....

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