
I know I shouldn't worry but I am. The pullets are in the coop. They are 8-9 weeks old. There are 4 of them. I have the heat lamp on in the coop. But dang it is cold out there and the wind is blowing. I know they are probably okay but I still can not stop worrying about them. I thought about bringing them back in but I just cleaned up everything yesterday a put it all away. Hmmm this part about taking care of chickens I don't think I like. If they were bigger it would be okay but being so young......
Silly event of the evening...
tonight as I was checking to make sure all of the girls were put to bed, I noticed that
Henrietta, my dominque, had red all over her foot and leg. I immediately thought she
was hurt. Grabbed a towel and brought her into the house to clean her. I was telling
DH that we needed to bath her, and separate her from the rest for the night so she
wouldn't be picked on.... so my mind was swimming with how I could make a temporary
holding place for her....
when I started to clean her foot and leg... the "blood" was really whippy cake frosting
from my husband's birthday cake. She must have walked in it and it really looked like
red blood. After much scrubbing the dye came off and there was no signs of an injury.
Anyway.. .after her emergency clean up she got to go back to the coop
with her friends.

Glad she wasn't hurt, and also glad that I knew what to do if she really had been hurt :)
I have a couple of chickens that fight over onion tops. Like scallions. Disnt know it was bad for them. No problems yet though.
Same here. Onions, potato skins, salt, sugar, and you pretty much name it they get unless its got fuzzies then that goes to the worms.

Silly event of the evening...
tonight as I was checking to make sure all of the girls were put to bed, I noticed that
Henrietta, my dominque, had red all over her foot and leg. I immediately thought she
was hurt. Grabbed a towel and brought her into the house to clean her. I was telling
DH that we needed to bath her, and separate her from the rest for the night so she
wouldn't be picked on.... so my mind was swimming with how I could make a temporary
holding place for her....
when I started to clean her foot and leg... the "blood" was really whippy cake frosting
from my husband's birthday cake. She must have walked in it and it really looked like
red blood. After much scrubbing the dye came off and there was no signs of an injury.
Anyway.. .after her emergency clean up she got to go back to the coop
with her friends.

Glad she wasn't hurt, and also glad that I knew what to do if she really had been hurt :)
OMG! I'm so glad she is ok. Did you have a good laugh afterwards?
I will post pics when I get home but Logan was born at 0307 this morning. My water broke around 1030 last night and he DH about lost his mind with getting me to the car. I went from random little contractions every 20 or 30 minutes to strong ones every 3 in a blink.

We are still in the hospital and Logan and I are doing great. Little guy is exhausted and just wants to sleep so far.

I am loving watching the snow from our room.
Uhh, yes that's for your baby. LOL
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm am so happy for you.
I will post pics when I get home but Logan was born at 0307 this morning. My water broke around 1030 last night and he DH about lost his mind with getting me to the car. I went from random little contractions every 20 or 30 minutes to strong ones every 3 in a blink.

We are still in the hospital and Logan and I are doing great. Little guy is exhausted and just wants to sleep so far.

I am loving watching the snow from our room.
That is so cool! Logan is an awesome name, too. It was snowing when I was born, now I can't stay out of it. Better get him a board for his next b-day. On that note, wouldn't our first birthday really be our second one? Just thinkin'. Let's hope he likes eggs.
I know I shouldn't worry but I am. The pullets are in the coop. They are 8-9 weeks old. There are 4 of them. I have the heat lamp on in the coop. But dang it is cold out there and the wind is blowing. I know they are probably okay but I still can not stop worrying about them. I thought about bringing them back in but I just cleaned up everything yesterday a put it all away. Hmmm this part about taking care of chickens I don't think I like. If they were bigger it would be okay but being so young......

They should be fine. I have chicks out in the new coop, which is not insulated yet, aged 5-6 weeks except the Silkies that are 2 months old. There is no heat lamp. They have been out 2 weeks, including the night last week it got down to 11 degrees here. You can't help worrying, you've put lots of time and effort into raising them and getting their digs ready, but they are very well equipped for staying warm. Main thing to attend to is ensuring they have water - I tried to pick up another heated waterer yesterday on the way home, and they're gone, so I have one waterer I will have to switch out for a fresh, room temp one this morning before I leave. Should have left by now, but I decided to wait for light and see how bad the driveway really is before I attempt to make the drive to work. It's still snowing down here.
Silly event of the evening...
tonight as I was checking to make sure all of the girls were put to bed, I noticed that
Henrietta, my dominque, had red all over her foot and leg. I immediately thought she
was hurt. Grabbed a towel and brought her into the house to clean her. I was telling
DH that we needed to bath her, and separate her from the rest for the night so she
wouldn't be picked on.... so my mind was swimming with how I could make a temporary
holding place for her....
when I started to clean her foot and leg... the "blood" was really whippy cake frosting
from my husband's birthday cake. She must have walked in it and it really looked like
red blood. After much scrubbing the dye came off and there was no signs of an injury.
Anyway.. .after her emergency clean up she got to go back to the coop
with her friends.

Glad she wasn't hurt, and also glad that I knew what to do if she really had been hurt :)
I will post pics when I get home but Logan was born at 0307 this morning. My water broke around 1030 last night and he DH about lost his mind with getting me to the car. I went from random little contractions every 20 or 30 minutes to strong ones every 3 in a blink.

We are still in the hospital and Logan and I are doing great. Little guy is exhausted and just wants to sleep so far.

I am loving watching the snow from our room.
Congrats on your new son! Im glad everything is going good! My daughter turns 2 in June it goes by so fast. Enjoy these precious moments!
Quote: Oh that does sound fun! I think were going to try to come to yours depending on how our day goes (I have a young daughter who doesn't like car rides LOL) Otherwise if I end up with a rooster within my chicks ill go to one of those swaps because they are right by my house.
Silly event of the evening...
tonight as I was checking to make sure all of the girls were put to bed, I noticed that
Henrietta, my dominque, had red all over her foot and leg. I immediately thought she
was hurt. Grabbed a towel and brought her into the house to clean her. I was telling
DH that we needed to bath her, and separate her from the rest for the night so she
wouldn't be picked on.... so my mind was swimming with how I could make a temporary
holding place for her....
when I started to clean her foot and leg... the "blood" was really whippy cake frosting
from my husband's birthday cake. She must have walked in it and it really looked like
red blood. After much scrubbing the dye came off and there was no signs of an injury.
Anyway.. .after her emergency clean up she got to go back to the coop
with her friends.

Glad she wasn't hurt, and also glad that I knew what to do if she really had been hurt :)
How funny! Glad she wasn't hurt :)
Question for my fellow coloradans:
I'm going to be looking to do something with a pair of young roosters. I tried to find a place to process them in the colorado springs area but haven't found anything. Does anyone know of a source for processing chickens around here?

If not I may just have to craigslist them.
Question for my fellow coloradans:
I'm going to be looking to do something with a pair of young roosters. I tried to find a place to process them in the colorado springs area but haven't found anything. Does anyone know of a source for processing chickens around here?

If not I may just have to craigslist them.
I will help you process them at my place. How old are they?

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