

Last Saturday I spent several hours roto-tilling the back yard getting ready for ChickenFest. Friday I tilled. This morning I tilled. This afternoon I started tilling and was almost finished and I threw a rod in the Roto-tiller engine and cracked the block. NOT happy.

Sorry about your Roto-tiller, If it is going to happen it will happen when you are 'almost' finished using it. I bet ChickenFest will still be great though, I just wish it was not the week I will be in Cali for my sister-in-laws wedding. I can't wait to see the pics!
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Last Saturday I spent several hours roto-tilling the back yard getting ready for ChickenFest. Friday I tilled. This morning I tilled. This afternoon I started tilling and was almost finished and I threw a rod in the Roto-tiller engine and cracked the block. NOT happy.
I don't know anything about Roto-tiller engines but it does not sound good at all. Plus it makes it even worse when you are working so hard for the chickenfest...sorry!
Thanks! We used PDZ based on following this post:

We also might try DLM this winter but we thought we would try this to start. I guess we are still trying to figure things out and what will work for us.
The inside of your coop looks pretty much like mine. I have wood chips and a poop board like you do. I have DL in my coop run on soil, but I have wood floors inside the coop and don't like DL there.
I took off the rims on the poop board and now they are just flat. I had rims and PDZ and didn't really like it. With the rims off I just scrape the poop into a bucket in the morning. It looks gross but I didn't like sifting the PDZ it took twice as long for me. I was wondering if you put sand on your poop board. I wondered if it would sift better? I have deep little in my coop run, not inside the coop.
Let us know how you like it.

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