
Does anyone know where I can find Turkens locally? I am in the Springs but I am more than willing to travel. We had one with our three RIR in the brooder box. There around 6-7 weeks I think? There fully feathered and ready to go out, we were going to put them out this weekend since its warm finally. Last night we heard a crazy commotion and a lot of squawking, went in a few minutes later and the turken was dead :-( the top of the brooder box was moved over so it looks like she was trying to get out or fly up and broke her neck. My DH is super upset as she was his fav Nd very friendly with him. We originally got them at Big R, but they don't have chicks anymore. Any help would be appreciated!
In making a bath for the chickens, where can I get the sand for it. I read that you are not suppose to use play sand. Can I use sand that is down by the river or the sand that your purchase, is it cleaned before selling?
Does anyone know where I can find Turkens locally? I am in the Springs but I am more than willing to travel. We had one with our three RIR in the brooder box. There around 6-7 weeks I think? There fully feathered and ready to go out, we were going to put them out this weekend since its warm finally. Last night we heard a crazy commotion and a lot of squawking, went in a few minutes later and the turken was dead :-( the top of the brooder box was moved over so it looks like she was trying to get out or fly up and broke her neck. My DH is super upset as she was his fav Nd very friendly with him. We originally got them at Big R, but they don't have chicks anymore. Any help would be appreciated!

Big r may have chicks again in august. That's when I got my nakies last year. If you can't find any, I can hatch some babies for you. It'll take about a month if you don't mind them being mixed breeds. About 2 months if you want pure.
Mayah, been thinking about you a lot the last couple of days, hope you are beginning to regroup and plan. Let us know if we can do anything.
I posted this over on the Natural Chicken Keeping thread but thought I would share here as well. One of my Catdance Silkie chicks, hatched February 10th, in the course of a day developed wry neck. I can home from work Thursday and Bob said there was something wrong with one of my "fluffy ones," that it kept looking at the ceiling but with only one eye. I brought it inside, checked carefully and was not able to locate any indication of injury or illness, did some quick research because I have never seen this before and I didn't know if I needed to euthanize immediately or try treatment. I found many treating with Poly Vi Sol without the added iron, Vitamin E, and one added Selenium to make the E easier to absorb. A fellow Silkie owner on NCK said Silkies are notorious for wry neck, that it can be treated, and that treatment should continue up to 3 weeks.

This poor little thing really can't drink so I am giving her a cc of water at a time with a syringe, have given mashed and moistened food a few times the same way but found she will eat on her own and especially if she is offered scrambled egg, so she gets a bowl-lid full at a time with some crumble on top. She HATES the Poly Vi Sol. Not crazy about Vitamin E either.

As with crossed beak, no certainty I've found so far that this is or is not genetic, so both pullets I hatched from Catdance will be here as broodies only. <sigh> Last thing I want to do is burden some future owner with a problem I know about and breed anyway.

My broody Cochin is still sitting on three eggs - she booted out one of the Black Silkie eggs, I brought it in to candle and she was right, it was a quitter. Maybe that means the two RIR and remaining Black Silkie eggs are good. Sure hoping!
Does anyone know where I can find Turkens locally? I am in the Springs but I am more than willing to travel. We had one with our three RIR in the brooder box. There around 6-7 weeks I think? There fully feathered and ready to go out, we were going to put them out this weekend since its warm finally. Last night we heard a crazy commotion and a lot of squawking, went in a few minutes later and the turken was dead :-( the top of the brooder box was moved over so it looks like she was trying to get out or fly up and broke her neck. My DH is super upset as she was his fav Nd very friendly with him. We originally got them at Big R, but they don't have chicks anymore. Any help would be appreciated!
I have a 9 week old buff turken you could have. I got them from "snappy turken farm' in Holyoke, Co. I got 4 but I only want to have 3. I am in Boulder. I have three speckled Sussex and two easter eggers too the same age. Super cute. I just wanted dark egg layers or olive eggers and the lady couldn't get those. She gave me these as a 'consolation'.
PM me if you might want any. Otherwise I think I'll take them to the chickens swap next weekend.
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Does anyone have a problem with Pygmy Nuthatches? I've put up countless bird houses and scare tape to no avail. The little squirts are tearing up the stucco and some are even moving into the walls. It's getting to the point where I'm about to cut a hole in the ceiling and stick a cat up in the attic.

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