
Sorry about the shipped eggs.
IN talking with others from the Dominique Club, it seems that a 50% hatch is normal, unless going from low elevation to high elevation. In that case, the 50% is cut again by nearly 50%, so that would only be a 25% hatch. a 10% hatch isn't very good. What does MPC say about their shipped eggs? I'm sure they don't give any type of guarantee...

I sent customer service an email explaining that I was disappointed with the porosity of the eggs and the way that they were shipped. I told them how many eggs showed no signs of life by day ten. Their response... you should've waited until day 14 to discard. We usually have good luck with the farm that your eggs came from. Good luck with your hatch...."

On a positive note... 3 of my barnyard marans have pipped. Just waiting on them to unzip!
I do understand and yes I think you are overthinking it :) I am assuming your pullet came from a breeder or hatchery? Hatcheries may not do everything right, but they are usually pretty careful about keeping the flocks all one breed unless they are specifically breeding for sex links/production hybrids.

Today I'm going to select 10 of the Albritton SS and put them in an enclosure within the Big Girl (layers) coop and run, and begin introductions to my last two layers, after the loss of the Blue Cochin. I will try to pick pullets, but we all know how that can go LOL. Anyway, I have this pretty good sized coop with only 2 hens in it, I figure I might as well put the real estate to use. The 2 left are a bit out of sorts, understandably, and maybe this will help ease the introductions.
Ok I am going to be excited again that I have a Cuckoo Marans!
My Blue Cochin hen was taken this morning by a dog or coyote.  I went out to check on them a few hours after I opened up the coop and run, and the chick was running around in the run without her.  Searched all over for Mama, couldn't find any feathers, but Bob found what look like pretty good sized dog tracks, and there is no sign of the Cochin hen anywhere, so we are assuming she is eaten :( .  Put the chick in the brooder, put the two Sussex back into the run and closed it.  Will be restringing the electric fence today - now that something has found them they are in danger, and we'll keep them in and watch for something to return.  If I determine it was a dog belonging to a neighbor up the road (in other words, if it comes back and I am able to track it back to its house), I will visit with them immediately and tell them what happened, and that we are entitled to shoot their dog if it comes back.  I don't know that it was a dog, as I said it could have been a coyote, but the prints look pretty big.

The electric would not have saved her, as I would have unplugged it when I let them out anyway, but it will protect the two hens now locked in there, as I expect a return visit now that the food source has been discovered, and without electric whatever it was will try to dig into the run.  The only thing that would have changed the outcome is not having let them out this morning.  Without the chick to protect, she may have gotten away, the other two appear unharmed.  I hesitated before opening the run this morning, and wish I had followed my hesitation.  Broodies are well known to protect their chicks to the death, and I believe that is what happened.  I will be rethinking my management, and may restrict free range time to time I am outside with them.  I hate that idea, but really hate losing a good hen even more.

So bummed.  First time I've ever lost a chicken that was not confined to a run.

Im sso sorry. I completely understand. Hugs
Speaking of predators saw a coyote walk through our property to neighbors to the north. Thank goodness they didnt come closer to the house meaning closer to chicken coop. This lone coyote was searching for food in the prairie dog holes on the neighbors property. This was yesterday.
What an absolutely glorious day it was today! We lost a lot of snow while I was out horseback riding with my friends and seeing lots of turkeys and deer. My kiddos were racing down in Co. Springs and I have the babies to look after plus the neighbors chickens so the day was mine on this Mother's Day! Kind of a nice present!
Wow, off for three days and over five pages to read! Moving right along.....

Pozee, Keep looking for your Cochin, my Lakenvelder was missing for two days at my old place, seems she got scared by a fox. Then poof on day three there she is looking for food! I hope yours is just hiding!

Welcome to all the new people! And the new chicks for those who have them!

Lucky some of you got rain! We had about five inches of snow with the last storm, I am starting to thinks spring is never going to get here!

Two Canadian geese on the pond yesterday, boy were they NOISY! Glad they come and go, not sure I would want that around full time. Our pond is getting smaller each year, and not very safe to put domestic fowl on it, no where for them to overnight, so the wild water fowl are fun to watch. Oh, and my daughter found a very tiny frog, seems they are Chorus Frogs (sp), so we had to find it some food today, black ants were on the menu for him, as we could not find one bug.
He will go out near the pond in a day or two.
Colorado thread ( at least the seemingly most known one
) I think there were some from your area a couple of years ago and I bet the NM thread would have some Farmington area peeps as well. - not trying to get rid of you, just trying to be helpful! There is also an interactive map for google users and maybe someone has pinned themselves in the 4 corners area. But anyway HOWDY!

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