
Yesterday we rehomed our confirmed, crowing rooster Princess. I listed him on craigslist with trepidation. You just never know what people are gonna do with them. When the people arrived to get Princess, imagine our surprise that we knew the family! So, Princess went to a loving home and not someone's belly. For that I am thankful.
Great news!
Yesterday we rehomed our confirmed, crowing rooster Princess. I listed him on craigslist with trepidation. You just never know what people are gonna do with them. When the people arrived to get Princess, imagine our surprise that we knew the family! So, Princess went to a loving home and not someone's belly. For that I am thankful.

Is Craigslist the best option for rehoming roosters? Any other options out there (aside from coq au vin)?
I rehome roosters for breeding. I do not keep roosters that are agressive towards my children or me of course. So sometimes they end up in the stewpot. But lots of land for them to be a rooster oh and lots of chickens too. lol
pichuris, your welcome to take him. He's been pretty gentle with me and will roost on my arm. He did peck my toenail the other day, but I think he thought it was a grape (I had on dark polish and have been giving them grapes for a treat). He's small but very healthy.
Lost the panope and have one more olmec cuddled in my shirt as its close to the end now. That'll be 6 of 12 that didn't make it. But I believe it'll be the last as the others appear to be growing and eating normally.
Is Craigslist the best option for rehoming roosters? Any other options out there (aside from coq au vin)?

I have used craigslist for this twice, both times was happy to find people who were actual chicken hobbyists who wanted the roosters for their flocks. If someone wants to eat them, I'm not too worried about that, just don't want anything cruel to happen to them! I also gave some away at the Denver Urban Homesteading chicken swap. That made me a little more nervous.
Lost the panope and have one more olmec cuddled in my shirt as its close to the end now. That'll be 6 of 12 that didn't make it. But I believe it'll be the last as the others appear to be growing and eating normally.

Glad the others are doing well. The three Colloncas here are doing great.
I was told that the woman off of Woodmen, who does the horse boarding right before Falcon Center (big, dilapidated red barn) rehomes roosters and just lets them forage on her land. As far as I know, she doesn't eat them.

Stay away from the guy who wants them in Peyton as he just takes them and sends them to auction.
I was told that the woman off of Woodmen, who does the horse boarding right before Falcon Center (big, dilapidated red barn) rehomes roosters and just lets them forage on her land. As far as I know, she doesn't eat them.

Stay away from the guy who wants them in Peyton as he just takes them and sends them to auction.

I have used craigslist for this twice, both times was happy to find people who were actual chicken hobbyists who wanted the roosters for their flocks. If someone wants to eat them, I'm not too worried about that, just don't want anything cruel to happen to them! I also gave some away at the Denver Urban Homesteading chicken swap. That made me a little more nervous.

Thanks for the tips. I just don't want him to be treated poorly.
It is my understanding that they are not always fond of new things but they will figure it out. What I have done is provide a treat I know they like and then add another treat to introduce. They like yogurt so I will add lettuce, noodles, etc to the yogurt and they figure out pretty quickly that it is all good. Have you tried plain yogurt? Mine were suspicious at first but now it is one of their favorites. The girls with their yogurt snack at about 11-12 weeks
I have tried yogurt and mixed in some meal worms. They try it. Sneeze a couple times and then wipe their beaks. Lol. I don't know.
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