
Hatch outcome:
51 eggs, 39 lockdown, 26 hatched, 1 deceased, leaving 25 chicks. Broody all 7 eggs hatched.

AND ask and you shall receive mean OEG went broody BUT BUT also:
Blue Orphington - given to me a month ago because she was broody but rejected the eggs and wanted to be a hen again
OEG hen that pretended last year
BO hen completed first year of lay just this month
and another not sure what breed she is but looks like a SLW but with feathers on her feet.
So kinda glad I won't be incubating eggs again I'll be giving my delaware eggs to the broodies.

Here are some pics of the May hatch:

I've never seen or had a chick thats been white with a tinge of silver. She's the one on top of the food.

My husband broke ground with the new coop today.

Sounds like a nice hatch, it will be interesting to see how the silver white turns out. Tell us about the new coop you're building!
DH works in southern tech center, his boss gave him a raise to keep him close to work so our options have become limited. :(

It sounds as if your DH is well appreciated by his boss, so that's a good thing! :) What is your target distance from DTC? I know someone who just sold a house in Parker to people who specifically bought where they did because they can have chickens there, and I can ask him about any other properties for sale in the same area if you like, unless you already know you've exhausted the market there.
It sounds as if your DH is well appreciated by his boss, so that's a good thing! :) What is your target distance from DTC? I know someone who just sold a house in Parker to people who specifically bought where they did because they can have chickens there, and I can ask him about any other properties for sale in the same area if you like, unless you already know you've exhausted the market there.

His boss called him on his day off while we were in monument and got scared. Cory is on call 24/7, they called him when we were in Cali, his first vacation in 3 years. Parker is one of the areas we are looking at, Cory and I started looking there so if they see anything please let me know. Thank you.
So. I need some advise. Have a broody. I don't really need any more laying hens. I am maxed out after I trade a couple birds with Mayah.
I really, really wanted some bantams and it looks like the Urch order isn't happening.
so my bantams from him aren't coming...I am pretty sure.
So, here is my questions. I can get some hatchery bantams from Privett hatchery, can I give some day old bantams to my broody? She is a Welsummer. She raised out some Easter eggers in February. I know Pozees said that she and Mayah both had bantams squished by standard broody hens.
Is this a bad idea to try with a proven broody mom?

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