
Thanks to you all we found the place and dropped off a truckload worth of provisions.
It appears it's time to close down the house and turn on the fan before we suffocate.... Ironic the smoke is actually keeping things cool around here. The chooks don't seem to mind but the budgies haven't made a sound in a while.
I can't make up my mind about evacuating. I have everything ready to go. I did inventory last year. The map for evacuation goes right through the middle of my house. Backyard? Stay. Front yard is in the evacuation zone. Chickens have been in and out of the car. I am soaking them now with a mister under their favorite tree. I am in Elbert county on the El Paso Cty line. It sounds like the fire is mostly toward the Colorado Springs area and south west. I haven't heard that the fire has actually been in Elbert Cty. Any one else heard any news about this area?

I would go. The roads out of the Forest on Tuesday afternoon were just a nighmare with everyone trying to evac.  At least if you go early you take the urgency out of it for yourself.
Also, many people couldn't get their livestock out because the roads were so clogged they just couldn't get their trailers into their areas to evac them. 

We are sitting with a pile of stuff  at the front door.  We are pre-evac, but if the wind shifts we are bugging out.

How close are you to the El Paso County line.  I guess you have to ask yourself if you want to do this in the middle of the night, or now?  I think now would be the better answer.  Here is an interactive map I got of FB.  It shows everything, wind, smoke densisty, etc.  Is a really long URL, click on the first portion
Great map! I have all packed up, girls in their coop but are easy to catch. Saw a policeman at the end of my road and he said I could wait for the reverse 911 call. He was preventing folks from going west. I am less then a mile from El Paso Cty line. With your map I can see better where the fire is. Thank you so much. It gets confusing with the other maps one I am in the evac zone, google and Denver post, then another we are close but not, so with your map I can at least see the fire line. We too will leave at a moments notice.
Thanks to you all we found the place and dropped off a truckload worth of provisions.
It appears it's time to close down the house and turn on the fan before we suffocate.... Ironic the smoke is actually keeping things cool around here. The chooks don't seem to mind but the budgies haven't made a sound in a while.

Thank you Preston, that was very kind of you. Budgies are almost as sensitive as canaries/finches, as I recall, to minute air particulate. Lacking an electric air cleaner, you can try covering their cage with coffee filters - sounds like a slumlord solution, I know, but it should help. I can't remember whether moistening them helps, seems it might.
At the latest update, the Black Forest Fire has scorched 15,700 acres and destroyed 360 homes, making it the most destructive (in terms of property damage) in Colorado history. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to those who are affected by the fires.
My question is not fire related, but this fire is breaking my heart. Several friends have lots homes, numerous friends evacuated. It's incredibly sad.

Here is my unrelated question: my chickens are around 15-16 weeks old and they are getting loud! Not crowing, just squawking. I read somewhere that this can be the case before they lay an egg, is that true? Do they quiet down after a bit? I've had adult chickens, but this is my first time with chicks to chickens. They also seem moody with one another. I know I sound like a crazy chicken lady, but they really are short tempered with each other and show their discontent by squawking loudly.
My question is not fire related, but this fire is breaking my heart. Several friends have lots homes, numerous friends evacuated. It's incredibly sad.

Here is my unrelated question: my chickens are around 15-16 weeks old and they are getting loud! Not crowing, just squawking. I read somewhere that this can be the case before they lay an egg, is that true? Do they quiet down after a bit? I've had adult chickens, but this is my first time with chicks to chickens. They also seem moody with one another. I know I sound like a crazy chicken lady, but they really are short tempered with each other and show their discontent by squawking loudly.

My girls are going on 19 weeks old, and yes, they are testy and very squawky as well. I agree about them having "PEG"....and I was shocked when my Araucana laid her first egg 2 days ago. Also, some breeds have a tendency to be loud so keep that in mind. My Blue Andalusian is very bossy (she's the head chicken) and very LOUD!

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