
Picked up 4 red star chickens yesterday (4 or 5 month old). I spent this morning watching them learn the new run. Showed them the water nipple system, which they got right away. I am a hovering mamma watching the pecking order....
Just feel good you don't wake up at 4am 7 days a week. There, better? Here's a special smiley just for you

Been there done that, yes it was not much fun. Did the 4:30 am to 1am shift for a week, back when I did the coffee serving thing. Thanks for the smiley. :)

Vent away, happy to "listen" and give cyber-hugs :) Life has been very challenging for everyone this year, it seems - I don't know anyone who's had a good or easy year. Weird, huh?

Maybe it is because it is 2013.
I am just upset that something that should be one of the happiest events in our lives has turned out to be such a nightmare, thanks to all the red tape and greed. It puts me in a bit of a French Revolution mind frame.
Been there done that, yes it was not much fun. Did the 4:30 am to 1am shift for a week, back when I did the coffee serving thing.  Thanks for the smiley.  :)

Maybe it is because it is 2013.  :oops:    I am just upset that something that should be one of the happiest events in our lives has turned out to be such a nightmare, thanks to all the red tape and greed.  It puts me in a bit of a French Revolution mind frame.
Whe it becomes aparent that it takes way to much effort to make something fun then it is time to rethink how it can be done easier. Downsize the event maybe. Or have someone else set the event up for a couple of years. Maybe ask for help. Just a thought.
Something that is suposed to be fun, should be fun for everyone. Including the one setting it up.
I'm rather new to posting and didn't know the best place to post this. I'm in Fort Collins and have friends with three ducks that they can not care for. They are a little over a month old. I believe they are white and are runners. I'm just trying to help them find a good home.
I might consider a Pekin again, but my understanding is that runners aren't very good egg layers or very good for eating. I guess everyone keeps them around for entertainment, sure is funny to watch them dash about.
Ya know.......someday I'm gonna learn to quit being so stubborn (maybe I'm a broody hen myself) and do things the easy way first. Been keeping mama-wannabe off her nest for the last 3 hours. Had to leave for a bit, but knew she would be on the nest again as soon as I was gone. A light went off......I took the golf balls out of the nest they lay in and put them in one of the on-the-ground portable boxes I have. Mama hen made a beeline for those balls and hasn't left that nest since.

It works for me, she can sit on golf balls til she makes a hole in one for all I care. I just didn't want her brooding in the exterior nest box.

Okay, so she won THIS time. I won't let her forget who controls the food and treats tho. Take THAT mama!

I've got some of those hollow plastic whiffle type golf balls. I think I'll take them out one at a time and see if she pulls them into her nest.
If you are ever looking to rehome this girl, you need to let me know! I have 20 hens and only one is broody and she waits until middle of July every year to do it. I'd love to produce more chicks, I'm so jealous!
I might consider a Pekin again, but my understanding is that runners aren't very good egg layers or very good for eating. I guess everyone keeps them around for entertainment, sure is funny to watch them dash about.

I've actually read the opposite about runners, a man who has them in NY and another in CA both say they are excellent layers, but I have never had them so no personal recommendations here :)

About Pekins - Coloradogal has 1 or 2 she has been wanting to rehome.
If you are ever looking to rehome this girl, you need to let me know! I have 20 hens and only one is broody and she waits until middle of July every year to do it. I'd love to produce more chicks, I'm so jealous!

Silkies, Phoenix, and Games are supposed to be the best setters. Using chicken math, I would say you obviously need more chickens in order to add one or more of those breeds!
Whe it becomes aparent that it takes way to much effort to make something fun then it is time to rethink how it can be done easier. Downsize the event maybe. Or have someone else set the event up for a couple of years. Maybe ask for help. Just a thought.
Something that is suposed to be fun, should be fun for everyone. Including the one setting it up.

Sadly not something I can walk away from, just in the process of closing on our first home. The new regulations and interest rates spiking have just completely stressed me and DH out. Sorry I shouldn't be so vague, I get that way when I am ****** and not sure I can control what I say.
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Sadly not something I can walk away from, just in the process of closing on our first home. The new regulations and interest rates spiking have just completely stressed me and DH out. Sorry I shouldn't be so vague, I get that way when I am ****** and not sure I can control what I say.

Ohh, yeah, major stress. Even when things go well (I assume sometimes they do?) it's still a stressful event, but if you wind up with the home you want at a payment you can afford, it will be worth it in the end.

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