
Ok plan B,
we just returned the 300 dollars of chicken wire that we were going to put over the top of the run.
Now we bought electric fencing stuff to put around the top of the fence.

Also, my dad is nagging me to death to order a Nite guard
which is a solar box that flashes a red light from dusk to dark.
he has been after me for the last year to buy one.
Has anyone here ever tried this?

Here is the link...there are TONS of testimonials...
My hubby's reaction was, "Pay $50 to be someone's free labor?!?!?!"

LOL. I was thinking that as well.

But then, I am cheap, and would NEVER pay that much. Personally, i think its WAY too much to charge.
But hey, if they get it, good for them.
Quote: I have several night guard units all around my 2 acres. I have electric around most of it too as well as a 6 foot fence around the coop and run.
I don't think it will work on its own. I think you need several layers of defense against predators.
I haven't seen any evidence of any predators anywhere on the property in the 1 1/2 years we have lived there. I see coyote at the neighbors and hawks every day.
Night guard is just one defense I think you need more than one.
My .02.
Hi there! We live in Denver and are looking to purchase 3-4 female chicks in the next week or so, and are unable to attend the swap in August. We're looking for Orpingtons and/or Rhode Island Reds (if you all think they will get along well!). I read that Orps seem to do best with their own breed, since they can get picked on, but am curious to hear more thoughts on this.

  1. Does anyone have any Colorado-based contacts they'd recommend for getting our chick family started? We'd love to go somewhere local rather than getting them shipped, but are open-minded. Happy to drive about an hour outside of Denver in any direction.
  2. Do you think the Orps will be safe with a RIR in the mix?

Thanks so much.
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Absolutely I have one buff and two reds. A small flock of five urban girls in South Dakota.The buff is super sweet and my reds don't pick on her. You'll love the buff. I love Denver go rockies!!
I guess my 22-week-olds fooled me. I found two soft-shelled eggs in the nest last week and got excited that two more girls were starting to lay! Nothing since. I wasn't at all concerned about the soft shells, because two of my three (currently laying) girls laid soft shells as their first egg...and then were perfect after that.

I guess I'll just need to be patient a little longer. :-(
Hello, I am in Arizona and recently my husband drove through Montrose, Colorado and he fell in love. Is anyone on this thread from Montrose?
Not from there but spent a lot of time in that area growing up. Thinking of moving?
Quick catch-up and then off to Iowa to see my 99 year old grandmother!

1 - thanks for the advice about the light and the Pullet door. The hubby will be installing it this week while I am gone.

2 - we use a tractor tire as a nest box, the girls picked it out when they just started laying and I've let them keep it ever since

3 - thanks for the egg eater link, I really don't want to get rid of her (she came out of an animal cruelty case and I want to keep her around and give her a good life)

4 - I'm not near ANY of you!
I live 40 miles due east of Denver.

5 - best thing I've found for predator trouble is a good dog. So far, he has alerted us to coyotes, skunks, raccoons, neighbor dogs and a "bobcat" (it was the neighbor's cat but she is convinced we saw a "bobcat"). The only thing he didn't stop was the eagle taking our duck away

Everyone have a good week! I hope the cooler/rainier weather keeps up!
Hi folks!! Another newbie here! I am scrolling through the posts looking for useful info and I'm finding alot. Let me ask one question that I know has been asked many times but it is very important to someone starting out. I live west of Loveland in Larimer County. We have already had +100 degree weather this summer and up here in the foothills we can get -20 in December. Which breed best for those conditions? I'm thinking it's better to get a breed best for the heat and put a heater in the coop for the winter. What say you all?

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