
Hello everyone! I'm from Alabama but living in Pueblo now and boy do we love us some chickens! My husband is in the military and actually from Pueblo, while I am Alabama born and raised. We have us a little farm going with 4 ducks, 2 goats, 2 bunnies and 11 chickens. We just got our order of 21 one day old chicks! It is nice to move across the country but stull have the farm life I did back in Alabama.
Welcome to the thread!! Can't wait to hear more about your adventures.
Yesterday afternoon I staked out the locations for the posts of phase three..... This will be the last construction phase for Windy Ridge Dominiques.

People comment on chicken math, I have coop and pen math issues...

We will be adding two 24' X 24' breeding pens, each with a coop, and a 32' X 32' turkey pen. It will also define my composting area. All enclosed in 6 ft cedar fencing. We hope to have this phase done by May of next year. Little by little.

A neighbor is renting a post hole digger, and I will be chipping in for the cost of rental. I am tired of digging the holes by hand.....
Welcome to all you newbies! It appears at least 2 of you are looking for places in CO. This is just from personal experience but Breckenridge is the absolute best place to live. Especially if you ride a snowboard.. Franktown is nice, too. Telluride is gorgeous if you can afford it. What am I saying? Just about everywhere here is a nice place to live, with a couple exceptions I won't mention on this thread. Good luck!
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Welcome to the Colorado Thread!

What breed of chicks?
Oh goodness! We have a Dominecker Rooster, Speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandott, Golden Laced Wyandott, Partridge Cochan, Silver Laced Cochan, Blue Indian Runner Duck, Rouen Duck, 2 Ancona Ducklings, 5 Black Australorps, Naked Neck Turken and 15 2 day old chicks that we still have to figure out what they are. We just got them in the mail yesterday along with the Australorps and Naked Neck.
Oh goodness! We have a Dominecker Rooster, Speckled Sussex, Silver Laced Wyandott, Golden Laced Wyandott, Partridge Cochan, Silver Laced Cochan, Blue Indian Runner Duck, Rouen Duck, 2 Ancona Ducklings, 5 Black Australorps, Naked Neck Turken and 15 2 day old chicks that we still have to figure out what they are. We just got them in the mail yesterday along with the Australorps and Naked Neck.

Quite the variety!

Quite the variety!
Oh yes and we love each and every one of them! They can be a handful as well though. My neighbors call me "The Chicken Mother" bc all my babies will follow me around the yard as soon as I step out the door. They think it is the funniest thing to watch.

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