
OMG Mtn Margie, "only" 50 mph?! I hope you at least get some benefit from it! Ditto for you, Percheron Chick and suncatcher! You are right, at least it's warm!
Once our snow is gone, we will then have mud, so not sure if it is a good thing or not. With the wind it dries it out quickly though. Also, no snow hereis drifting as it has a layer of semi melted snow on top of it, was getting old trying to drive through the drifts which were as hard as a rock!

I am thinning out my flock too, as I want to add a two new breeds to my laying flock, so I have two standard cochin hens, one blue and one black, they are just now starting to lay, and several MF Bantam Cochin roosters looking for a new place to perch! Small rehoming fee. Link to ad.
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I just called them myself, hoping to go up there this weekend. I can let you know how it goes if you like? They seem to have a BIG variety. Would rather hatch my own, but fertile eggs seem to be hard to come by.

On craigslist there is someone in the Brighton area that is selling "egg layer pullets", various breeds.  I'm interested in getting a couple of BRs, does anyone have any information about this seller?  Thanks.
It was very gusty last night here. Up to 75mph. I didn't sleep through all of it either. It blew our pretty large bbq on our deck over but surprisingly didn't tear up the plastic shower curtain around the girls enclosure. They are very happy that the snow is only in a few little ice packs now. I'm not so happy because as it thaws out over the lawn it shows all my dog's presents that I need to get out there and clean up. ;)
The puppy we just got is happy there's no more icy snow out there though. He's so clumsy right now he had a hard time walking on it. And he doesn't have enough fur or body fat to keep him warm. Just running out to go potty and he was shivering for 10 min. I had to knit him a little sweater. lol

Have to post a pic for fun...
That pup is adorable!! Love his sweater! Came across this "new" way to poach/scramble eggs, going to try this for Sunday breakfast!
"San Francisco chef Daniel Patterson discovered a whole new way to poach and scramble eggs, BY DOING THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. He whisks four eggs in a bowl and then slips the mess into boiling water, almost instantly cooking the scramble all at once. Then he drains the puffy egg cloud and serves it with sea salt, fresh herbs, and a bit of toast on the side.

As Food52 points out, there are many awesome things about this technique: once the water’s boiling, the whole thing takes about 40 seconds, you look like a magician to anyone who’s watching you, and you avoid having to deal with a crusty pan."

Anyone ever try this method????
That pup is adorable!! Love his sweater! Came across this "new" way to poach/scramble eggs, going to try this for Sunday breakfast!
"San Francisco chef Daniel Patterson discovered a whole new way to poach and scramble eggs, BY DOING THEM BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. He whisks four eggs in a bowl and then slips the mess into boiling water, almost instantly cooking the scramble all at once. Then he drains the puffy egg cloud and serves it with sea salt, fresh herbs, and a bit of toast on the side.

As Food52 points out, there are many awesome things about this technique: once the water’s boiling, the whole thing takes about 40 seconds, you look like a magician to anyone who’s watching you, and you avoid having to deal with a crusty pan."

Anyone ever try this method????
I haven't but I'm going to! I hate cleaning up after scrambled eggs.
I just called them myself, hoping to go up there this weekend. I can let you know how it goes if you like? They seem to have a BIG variety. Would rather hatch my own, but fertile eggs seem to be hard to come by.

I went there yesterday and bought 4 hens, one of which has a sneeze or cough, not sure which. They have an impressive array of birds there and seem to be very conscientious about biosecurity. I let them know via email about my sick bird and hope to hear back soon. Since I'm fairly new to this whole chicken thing, I'm not sure what's going on with her. I'll be watching for a post from you on how it went and what your take on their operation is.

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