
I still haven't heard from them yet, but as soon as I do I'll let you know. I want to get a few different varieties. I hate the waiting.....

Yes, Rebecca. I got a very good response from her. The chicken in question had gotten away from us and was loose in their yard. Rebecca's husband caught her and in the process the hen was upside down for a bit and probably got some fluid in her lungs. She offered to take the bird back or exchange or whatever I wanted to do to make it right. She said they've never had sick chickens, which I wholeheartedly believe - what an amazing facility! also, the other three I got from her are fine. I wouldn't hesitate to get more chickens from her.
Pozee, Those are some nice looking chicks, and I can understand the mix up, as they look very similar! You can always add them to your laying flock, if they are not purebreeds! Or...... you can find a lavender orpington, or lavender AM and raise some purebreed chicks.
I modified the incubator and now have 28 eggs set for a hatch date of march 7th. I will candle next weekend and see how many are fertile. My newest americauna laid her first egg on Friday. It is green. Now I have dark brown, brown, cream, blue, green and white. A nice mixed batch. Most of the eggs I am hatching are going to be mixed (mutts) leghorn roo and RIR, BR, SS, BO, or white leghorn. Also a couple more silkie eggs are in there also. they should be pure bred though. I guess they could be a cross of silky also, as he as been trying to mate with most of the girls. I don't think he has been too successful. A silky americauna cross would definitely bee cute. Anyone need some chicks?? They should all be good layers. The two mutts I have from my hatch last year are good layers. They are BR cross and RIR cross. These were the left overs from last years hatch for CHICKENFEST.

If you ever get a silkie/EE cross I'll buy eggs or chicks from you in a heartbeat!
Breeder says what I have from him is a very nice Lavender Ameraucana. I will definitely be keeping it for a while to see how it grows out - I am concerned about the beak trying to cross, and hoping it does not. When I get back Wednesday evening if it still looks the way it does now, or worse, I will try trimming the lower beak to see if I can get it to line back up. It isn't bad at the moment, the chick is clearly getting enough to eat, so I won't intervene before I leave this morning.

I have the last 6 MWT eggs going to the hatcher Saturday if they candle developed and alive. So far that venture has been a bust, so if I don't get any of these to hatch I'll look for some poults. I know Turkey eggs are harder to hatch than chicken eggs once shipped, but thought I would get at least one or two. Oh well. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Breeder says what I have from him is a very nice Lavender Ameraucana.  I will definitely be keeping it for a while to see how it grows out - I am concerned about the beak trying to cross, and hoping it does not.  When I get back Wednesday evening if it still looks the way it does now, or worse, I will try trimming the lower beak to see if I can get it to line back up.  It isn't bad at the moment, the chick is clearly getting enough to eat, so I won't intervene before I leave this morning.

I have the last 6 MWT eggs going to the hatcher Saturday if they candle developed and alive.  So far that venture has been a bust, so if I don't get any of these to hatch I'll look for some poults.  I know Turkey eggs are harder to hatch than chicken eggs once shipped, but thought I would get at least one or two.  Oh well.  Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

BUT... you now have a bunch of local Dominique eggs to hatch out! :D
Speaking of hatching. Ours are down to 4 well developed ones, lots of veins and movement, and 4 unknowns. They go into lockdown tomorrow!
I'm also getting chicks and more eggs on friday. Can't wait! I should have much better luck with the local eggs!

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