
From my experience this winter in my neck of the woods, everything has been about a month early. We had super cold in December, when we usually get it in January, now incredible wind, which we usually see in March. I hope we see an early spring and summer, :D but who knows, is the weather! One can only predict, aka guess at what is really going on. LOL

I do hope California gets its much needed moisture, not looking forward to produce prices going sky high.

I have fertile eggs at my place, but most are mutt eggs. White leghorn roo and RIR, BR, SS, BO, Black Australorp and Leghorn. Also silkie eggs covered by silky roo. Collecting the eggs of a speciffic hen takes time however. Generally i can only get about 6 of each breed. over a ten day period ti hatch. If anyone wants some just let me know so i can tell the kids to not put them in the fridge. I am getting between 6 to 9 eggs a day now out of my 14 hens.
Is the thread for eggs only chickens or all because I will be selling Ornamental Pheasants

All hatching eggs. Just post what you have. :)

Dang chicken math! We have 3-4 spots in our flock open and we have the following coming to choose from: 12 chicks from a feed store, 26 chicks from a hatchery, and ~28 eggs to hatch!!!
How will we ever choose just 3-4!?
I have fertile eggs at my place, but most are mutt eggs. White leghorn roo and RIR, BR, SS, BO, Black Australorp and Leghorn. Also silkie eggs covered by silky roo. Collecting the eggs of a speciffic hen takes time however. Generally i can only get about 6 of each breed. over a ten day period ti hatch. If anyone wants some just let me know so i can tell the kids to not put them in the fridge. I am getting between 6 to 9 eggs a day now out of my 14 hens.

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