
Welcome Katie5668 ! Western Sloper here.
Fantastic photos saellis!!!!

And now, drum roll please
our first chick (ever) from a broody announced itself today! I am soooooo happy!!! I just have a hunch it's a girl, a tiny, beautiful little manx rumpy. She would not hold still for a photo, will try one of her and Goody Broody and I hope another chick or two tomorrow. Our first ever attempt. 22+ still in the nests.
:frow Welcome Katie5668 ! Western Sloper here. Fantastic photos saellis!!!!:clap And now, drum roll please:ya :cd :jumpy :yesss: our first chick (ever) from a broody announced itself today! I am soooooo happy!!! I just have a hunch it's a girl, a tiny, beautiful little manx rumpy. She would not hold still for a photo, will try one of her and Goody Broody and I hope another chick or two tomorrow. Our first ever attempt. 22+ still in the nests.
Sooooo sweet looking too! Love the fuzzy chick pic's!
Sooooo sweet looking too! Love the fuzzy chick pic's!

Thank you suncatcher, you are such a bright spot, especially to we newbies. This chick is extra special, as it verifies my belief my rumples hens were fertile and reproducible. Everything started against us and it still happened. I am beyond happy, could never explain....a true blessing for us. Such a plus, this chick is so absolutely adorable and strong! Right now, no words can explain my joy and total thanks for my blessings. I am blessed and I appreciate your comments.
Sooooo sweet looking too! Love the fuzzy chick pic's!

Thank you suncatcher, you are such a bright spot, especially to we newbies. This chick is extra special, as it verifies my belief my rumples hens were fertile and reproducible. Everything started against us and it still happened. I am beyond happy, could never explain....a true blessing for us. Such a plus, this chick is so absolutely adorable and strong! Right now, no words can explain my joy and total thanks for my blessings. I am blessed and I appreciate your comments. 

Glad for your little chick making your day!!! What are the rumpless? Are they hard to breed? Are you expecting more? I know some Am's are rumpless, at least I think they are???
I believe my rumples are true Persian Rumpless originally from Sandhill Preservation several years ago, guessing third generation. I gave away two of the roosters, long story , I may write a review on the breed. They are a rare breed because they lack a tailbone. They are great layers, but fertility is an issue because it takes the tailbone to raise the feathers to expose the vent for breeding. Mine may have been crosses, inherited as a sort of rescue issue, and never got any details from the source. I started with seven, now have two hens & two roos. I have several rare/heritage breeds (started with 82 birds, now have 45, 10roosters & 35 hens, one year old.) So started with great stock, a total novice, trying to figure out what I have. We probably ate a thousand dollar chicken fajita very early on, it's our own joke. I learned more about chickens in the last year than I ever thought I might know in a lifetime. OMG what comes out of a broody could be used to start or end any war!!! My birds do not have any tufts or any indication of it at a year old. I would like to do a generation or two, I think I have three or four more of her eggs under the broody girls. This would be a financial blessing for us if this works out as I would like to see. It was christening by fire from the first. I am disabled and the loss of my income has been devastating. I am blessed in my life, and I do believe the overwhelming adoption of these birds may end up helping us cover my physical therapy and income loss. God is always in control if you just pay attention and turn overwhelming into the intended blessing. I do not mean to be preachy, I just don't believe in coincidence. Anyway, thank you again. I feel like I am finally breaking a little ice on the site and not feeling so nervous about posting. I appreciate your spirit!
:frow Welcome Katie5668 ! Western Sloper here. Fantastic photos saellis!!!!:clap And now, drum roll please:ya :cd :jumpy :yesss: our first chick (ever) from a broody announced itself today! I am soooooo happy!!! I just have a hunch it's a girl, a tiny, beautiful little manx rumpy. She would not hold still for a photo, will try one of her and Goody Broody and I hope another chick or two tomorrow. Our first ever attempt. 22+ still in the nests.
Welcome to the Colorado thread. Dont be afraid to tell us about your experiences and feel free to also ask questions. Everyone here enjoys reading the posts every day. I know i do. Chickens as well as life is just one learning experience after another. Dont be afraid to ask for help or give advice. Most of all have fun with it. Glad you are here. Cute little guys in the photos. I hatched out 21 from my home made incubator last weekend.
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Ah, I know nothing about these Persian Rumpless chickens, interesting about their fertility not being the best because of the lack of a tailbone!!! We are all at some stage of learning, no one is born knowing everything, so don't be afraid of posting here, and keep us posted on your progress with this very rare breed!! Are you wearing gloves in the pictures for BioSecurity? Just curious!! lol Usually going through the fire makes one stronger! Wishing you well!

Welcome Katie5668 ! Western Sloper here.
Fantastic photos saellis!!!!

And now, drum roll please
our first chick (ever) from a broody announced itself today! I am soooooo happy!!! I just have a hunch it's a girl, a tiny, beautiful little manx rumpy. She would not hold still for a photo, will try one of her and Goody Broody and I hope another chick or two tomorrow. Our first ever attempt. 22+ still in the nests.
Congratulations. Beautiful chick :)
Welcome to the Colorado thread. Dont be afraid to tell us about your experiences and feel free to also ask questions. Everyone here enjoys reading the posts every day. I know i do. Chickens as well as life is just one learning experience after another. Dont be afraid to ask for help or give advice. Most of all have fun with it. Glad you are here.
Cute little guys in the photos. I hatched out 21 from my home made incubator last weekend.

Ah, I know nothing about these Persian Rumpless chickens, interesting about their fertility not being the best because of the lack of a tailbone!!! We are all at some stage of learning, no one is born knowing everything, so don't be afraid of posting here, and keep us posted on your progress with this very rare breed!! Are you wearing gloves in the pictures for BioSecurity? Just curious!! lol Usually going through the fire makes one stronger! Wishing you well!

Thank you both
! samsr,do you have a post or link on your incubator? There is so much on this site to try to absorb.
I would love info on it, I am at just under a mile high but live in the Grand Mesa lower vortex! No NO No humidity
, just wind & dirt in the air....
The gloves were to not disturb the broody too much with our scent as this was the first chick. Biosecurity but not as you might think. My husband is a saddle maker working with hides, dyes, stains, etc, and I have severe bronchitis at the moment. I just thought it would be better for the broody if we did not contaminate her or the chick!
Goody Broody has been an absolute sweetheart and sort of purrs
when I'm in her maternity ward, very sweet feeling. I consider getting a bit singed now and then as a true blessing. Again, not to be preachy but I am very joyous. If God brings you to it God brings you through it!

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