
Congrats on your bunnies!!! Wow, that is a lot of babies.....

You might give Big R a call and check when they will have their goslings in, with easter, they may already have them.

Did anyone stay up and watch the lunar eclipse? I saw the start of it, but only made it through half of it. Was very cool looking!
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Well its definitely spring! a bumper crop of 8 fox pups at our neighbor's shed plus momma. I dont know if a daddy stuck around after the deed!
Good morning! Eggsalad, those are cute babies! Ooodles warmer last night, 23. Woke the kids up a 1:15am to see the Blood moon. Fortunately for us, we could see it perfectly in the skylight on the house and didn't have to brave the screaming winds outside. Blood moon and Tax day, wonder what the seers would have to say about that one.

Get everything in order! That is what they would say.
Suncatcher.. I wanted to see it all so badly but couldn't keep myself awake. Caught the tail end, wish I could have gotten photos but didn't wake up enough, Got up early enough to watch a gorgeous full moon set over the adobe hills with the sunrise just barely peaking in behind. Spectacular.
Got up and watched the eclipse. Got up DD so she could say she saw it. I stayed up for about 40 minutes and took pictures. The crazy woman on the block in her bathrobe and coat sitting in her car with the window rolled down, listening to the radio, taking pics. That's me.

I shouldn't have bragged about the large litter of rabbits. Seven have died. The remaining 4 seem to be doing well so far. DD is bummed. This leaves no margin of error for a meat pen now.
Got up and watched the eclipse. Got up DD so she could say she saw it. I stayed up for about 40 minutes and took pictures. The crazy woman on the block in her bathrobe and coat sitting in her car with the window rolled down, listening to the radio, taking pics. That's me.

I shouldn't have bragged about the large litter of rabbits. Seven have died. The remaining 4 seem to be doing well so far. DD is bummed. This leaves no margin of error for a meat pen now.

Sincere condolences.
Animals are such a joy with heartache built in. Hope the four keep you smiling, enjoy them.

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