
Sounds like Corid is in order for sure - Silkies go down fast, they just don't have the resources of a LF juvenile. While Coccidiosis is not as common here as in areas with more humidity, it does exist. You did all the right things - warmth, giving her a chance to eat uninterrupted, and probiotics. After the course of Corid, if no one remains symptomatic, you will want to boost vitamins for a bit, as Corid blocks thiamine uptake and can affect the correct balance of B vitamins, which is thought to be a possible cause or contributor to wry neck, which Silkies are more prone to than other breeds in general. I didn't know that until I had one with wry neck last year. Luckily she fully recovered, and while in treatment in the bathroom was dubbed Peep Peep - she would peep at us anytime we went in to see her, the sweetest little sound :)
Thanks. All my reading on here paid off. I knew as soon as I saw that poop that I needed to get that started. I've had a silkie with wry neck before too. Vitamin E helped him recover quick. Too bad it turned out to be a he. I put them all in the big coop tonight. She was with everyone in their little area, not fluffed up or anything. Hopefully she's feeling better tomorrow. I'll keep an eye on her. I think I'll keep the eco-glow out there until after sunday's weather too.
She didn't make the night. And this morning her 3 flock mates are all feeling bad. I brought them inside and gave them corrid water, yogurt and crumbles. Came home a couple hours later and one had already died. The other two are mostly sleeping under the heat lamp but will drink every time they wake each other up and they are chirping so hopefully they'll pull through. They are our favorite... the legbar we hatched and the BLRW. I can see them from where I sit and they are both drinking right now and looking around, and even attempting to dust bathe. So a lot more active than earlier.

I think the fact that these 4 are a couple weeks younger and we've had a couple cold nights suddenly lowered their immune system enough they couldn't fight this off like the bigger girls could. No one else outside is showing any symptoms. But I'm keeping them all on corrid just in case.
Happy Mothers Day, to everyone it applies to of course and even if it doesn't, well, go do something nice for yourself.
Only a few inches of snow so far and it looks like a good day to un-sore myself from yesterdays fun out horseback riding with friends. Girl's gotta get back in shape for the season. Enjoy the day!
Does anyone here have any swedish flower hen chicks or mature birds? I have had two batches of shipped eggs and so far have 2 chicks to show for my efforts. I have 8 eggs in the incubator now but today is day 22 and I don't see any signs of activity. Might be a bust.
I was thinking I might order some from Waltz Ark but he has a minimum order of 8 chicks and I really don't want that many anyone in the Denver area interested in ordering something from him?
She didn't make the night. And this morning her 3 flock mates are all feeling bad. I brought them inside and gave them corrid water, yogurt and crumbles. Came home a couple hours later and one had already died. The other two are mostly sleeping under the heat lamp but will drink every time they wake each other up and they are chirping so hopefully they'll pull through. They are our favorite... the legbar we hatched and the BLRW. I can see them from where I sit and they are both drinking right now and looking around, and even attempting to dust bathe. So a lot more active than earlier.

I think the fact that these 4 are a couple weeks younger and we've had a couple cold nights suddenly lowered their immune system enough they couldn't fight this off like the bigger girls could. No one else outside is showing any symptoms. But I'm keeping them all on corrid just in case.

I am sorry to here about the chick and the problem you are having at the moment. The remaining four are little terrors, running around all over the place. I have placed them all in the shed now for a week. I may have to plug in my panel heater for them this evening though. If you get down to my neck of the woods again, I would be happy to let you pic another little one.( Well not so little anymore). I have not seen any of this type of problem here at all. I will keep an eye out though. How is the house hunting going? Did you hear back on your bid for the 5 acres?
Happy Mothers Day to all. No snow here yet, just the wind at the moment.
Trst, Here is hoping the rest are ok, I know nothing of disease so can't chime in on treatments. It sounds like you did what was needed.

Carolynm, Swedish Flower chickens are on my would like to have list, but way down the road. Can you make road trip, meet her in town, and only pick up only three or four chicks? Where are you buying eggs from? I often wondered if buying eggs from a nearby state would improve the odds???? I just had some Splash Marans that were a bust, but found out the seller did not have a great a rating as I thought, as they used two different accounts, and had terrible reviews on the second one. Also, I seem to have terrible luck with eggs from KY, or TN area, could just be a fluke. Has anyone else had this problem when tring to hatch eggs from this part of the country?

Happy Mothers day to all!!!

No snow or wind here.....yet!
Carolynm, Swedish Flower chickens are on my would like to have list, but way down the road. Can you make road trip, meet her in town, and only pick up only three or four chicks? Where are you buying eggs from? I often wondered if buying eggs from a nearby state would improve the odds???? I just had some Splash Marans that were a bust, but found out the seller did not have a great a rating as I thought, as they used two different accounts, and had terrible reviews on the second one. Also, I seem to have terrible luck with eggs from KY, or TN area, could just be a fluke. Has anyone else had this problem when tring to hatch eggs from this part of the country?

Happy Mothers day to all!!!

No snow or wind here.....yet!

I'm going to see about meeting up -Delta is about 4 hours from here but 1/2 way would only be 2 hours not so bad..I bought eggs from MO and LA. From the MO batch I had someone in Denver hatch them for me, hatched 2 out of 12, this batch of 7 I'm trying in my brinsea...I think it's going to be a total bust.

Snow is here in Bailey about 3" so far and falling steadily... Grr..I'd much have preferred rain!
carolynm Doc Waltz is a she, and I'm very happy with the Ameraucanas I got from her. I haven't been to her website in a while, is it minimum 8 per breed or minimum 8 chicks total?

suncatcher, I am about to find out whether there is a difference between Priority and Express shipping with 2 dozen Paint Silkie eggs from Maine. I have had pretty good luck with eggs from some parts of the south, and am convinced it is largely luck of the draw with regard to handling by the USPS as well as freshness of the eggs and packaging. Express shipping is quite a bit more than Priority but if it translates to a higher hatch rate, worth it.

Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers :)

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