
I give mine 18% protein soy free organic non gmo ff feed by ranch way. She stopped laying eggs almost 5 months ago, is that correct, I should just keep her and she's going to start laying again in another 4 months? 10 months off laying for molting? Am I understanding this right?

I have feed from 18%-26% protein. I'd love all 9 hens to be laying on the regular, but a few aren't yet as 3 haven't started yet. I have more chicks/pullets that I was going to move into my laying flock when they're big enough, Oreo and Cookie, both are my haffies.

Oh sorry, that was just-waking-up-brain apparently, you are right, 5 months ago to have stopped laying is not good. I would send her off to camp as well, good call.
A mustard filled egg to convince hens to not eat eggs. Some say it works, some add cayenne pepper.... I use wooden fake eggs and increase protein, 20% -25% , especially this time of year when they are molting, because growing feathers increases their protein requirements dramatically.

I would think Cayenne would not work since they can not taste spice, I know she will not go in to her temp. coop if there is mustard in it but still eats the mustard eggs. I am giving my girls cat food in order to up protein right now. Maybe it is an issue?
It is a great time of year when the rooster and the alarm are on the same page!

Egg eating is just a pain to deal with, period. Fortunately, I have only had one instance of this and it was due to a protein issue. Now if an egg is broken, they will most times clean it up but not always.
We are new to BYC. There doesn't seem to be much activity here, at least not since 2008, hm.
We are looking for a couple red speckled Sussex hens and a couple large egg layers. We would like them to be young but already laying.
Can anyone direct us, any ideas?
Thank you
We are new to BYC. There doesn't seem to be much activity here, at least not since 2008, hm.
We are looking for a couple red speckled Sussex hens and a couple large egg layers. We would like them to be young but already laying.
Can anyone direct us, any ideas?
Thank you


Welcome to the Colorado thread... It's actually quite active... that 2008 post you read was the very first post that opened/started this thread. This post right now is number 21,145...

Have you considered posting on Craigs list? or looking there for sale ads?
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We are new to BYC. There doesn't seem to be much activity here, at least not since 2008, hm.
We are looking for a couple red speckled Sussex hens and a couple large egg layers. We would like them to be young but already laying.
Can anyone direct us, any ideas?
Thank you

I would check CL if you don't find something here. Someone may have started pullets for sale on here, especially in Colorado Springs!
They are always hatching something up/out down that-a-way.
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Lol. If you'd like, I have a bunch of 10-11 week old pullets, I have 1 barred rock, 3 white leghorn and 13 silver laced wyandottes if you would like them. They aren't laying yet and are very friendly and love to be held/petted. Pm me if you want any, otherwise they go to freezer camp in a month!!
I just lost another bird this morning - going into her 3rd winter and I'm pretty sure it was a build-up of internal parasites/worms. I just didn't catch it soon enough but she couldn't keep weight on and had just started to show signs of anemia. SOO - since we're headed into the dark and difficult time of our Colorado year, anyone have suggestions of what I should be doing to better control parasites? I check my birds externally at least once a month, have spread food-grade DE around their inside coop and have just added more apple cider vinegar to their water (while I can before it goes into the galvanized heated waterer soon). What am I missing? I'm pretty sure when I lost my first bird it was probably parasites too (looking back at weight loss and such) and I don't really want to haul up to CSU for a necropsy when my flock hasn't had contact with anyone else and all signs point to parasites. Any suggestions? Worming protocols you follow? Thanks for the help. Now down to 3 birds and feeling depressed since it seems as I've failed my flock when I probably could have done something sooner to save her.

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