
Getting the creeping crud here as well. Sneezing off and on all day, a good indication for me that I'm coming down with something. Can't stop blowing my nose either... Another not so good sign. I think if this stays the same or worsens over tonight/tomorrow, I might have to go do some sauna time.
I've had something all week. It included one night of a horrible fever all night. I feel a lot better now but still have the sticky stuff at the very back of my nose that is hard to blow out but closes up your nose and makes you talk funny. lol

Sold our little bantam frizzle that we hatched last year. Now we only have the 6mo SLW and BR to get rid of before the chicks come.

I was talking with DH about getting the brooder boxes set up and he mentioned using the cabinets from our basement kitchen as brooders. I think it's a great free idea, so I'll be working on that eventually.
Man everyone is getting the spring cold. I just got over it here about a week ago.

Hoping everyone gets feeling better soon.

I sure hope your head does NOT roll away from you. That would seriously freak out the entire flock at your house and here as well.


I hope you do win those eggs.

Making a note.... Drink juice, eat soup, take vitamins, avoid the germies.
I am already OCD about washing my hands so no problem there.
I just bid on some Swedish Flower hens eggs. I just could not help myself. I better win.

Those little hens are so cute! I hope you win, too.

Man everyone is getting the spring cold. I just got over it here about a week ago.

Hoping everyone gets feeling better soon.

I sure hope your head does NOT roll away from you. That would seriously freak out the entire flock at your house and here as well.


I hope you do win those eggs. :fl

Making a note.... Drink juice, eat soup, take vitamins, avoid the germies.
I am already OCD about washing my hands so no problem there. :D

As long as I don't move it to much one way or the other, I think I'll be okay. ;)
Morning all!! We have about three inches of fluffy snow here, snowed on and off all night.

Just getting over a cold here too! LOTS, and I mean lots of vitamin C taken, also used a garlic/cayenne throat gargle, soooo soothing, and really helped my sore throat feel better FAST. Hope everyone is feeling better soon, this time of year with the temp swings seems more colds and flu virus.

Hope you win those SFH hatching eggs!!! Such a pretty breed!

Uzi, don't lose your head!!!

Trst, always something to do this time of year!!!
Morning! We have about a foot. DH is the one recovering from the "plague." It has been a month.... slow, but he refuses to really take care of himself.

Safe drives and safe walks and safe sittings.
SFH would be a very cool breed to have around this area!
I just bid on some Swedish Flower hens eggs. I just could not help myself. I better win.

Such a pretty breed,good luck!

Morning all!!   We have about three inches of fluffy snow here, snowed on and off all night.

Just getting over a cold here too!  LOTS, and I mean lots of vitamin C taken, also used a garlic/cayenne throat gargle, soooo soothing, and really helped my sore throat feel better FAST.   Hope everyone is feeling better soon, this time of year with the temp swings seems more colds and flu virus.

Hope you win those SFH hatching eggs!!!  Such a pretty breed!

Uzi, don't lose your head!!!  ;)

Trst, always something to do this time of year!!!

We have probably 8 inches of fluffy snow here.

I have a question for everyone here, I have been trying to research why some of our egg yolks break easily, like when they hit the frying pan and others don't. Some of the suggestions have been pointed to a protein deficiency, the hen might be molting, they aren't getting enough variety in diet,etc.

I want to ask here hoping someone can help me with this question. Our girls are 9 months old and we have a mixed flock as far as breeds go. Thanks!
I just bid on some Swedish Flower hens eggs. I just could not help myself. I better win.
If you don't win I might be able to help you out. I have a young flock of Swedish Flower Hens and hopefully they will start laying more eggs soon. They are laying now but just an egg or two a day. I'm 45 minutes SW of Denver in Bailey. I get to Littleton and Castle Rock area fairly often (at least a couple of times a month). I have some photos of my birds on my website that's listed in my signature. You might have better hatch rate with these, I know I'd take unshipped eggs over shipped any day of the week!
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Such a pretty breed,good luck!
We have probably 8 inches of fluffy snow here.

I have a question for everyone here, I have been trying to research why some of our egg yolks break easily, like when they hit the frying pan and others don't. Some of the suggestions have been pointed to a protein deficiency, the hen might be molting, they aren't getting enough variety in diet,etc.

I want to ask here hoping someone can help me with this question. Our girls are 9 months old and we have a mixed flock as far as breeds go. Thanks!

Thanks! We're excited.
Whenever I think we possibly have some kind of vitamin deficiency, I just add more of something and see if it helps. Basically trial and error with these chickens. If they look a little ragged I add protein for a couple months. If I'm not getting enough eggs, I put calf manna in their food for a few days on a row, that really pumps up the protein and usually fixes any problems. I buy a bag about once every three months. I'm sure I keep the bag too long, in a Rubbermaid tub, but im not going to throw it out or over feed it. I don't like to use BOSS as a protein supplement, because we've had some fatty hens and the treats seem to be the culprit. For just a small boost of protein I use Feather Fixer feed, it's only 15.99 a bag so the price isnt terrible. If after a bag or two there's no change, and you still think it's protein, add in some calf manna. I'm actually ready to switch back to regular protein, because all the girls are starting to lay again, and I'll just supplement twice a week with a little of the Manna.

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