
I thought it might be, but I wasn't sure.
They are coming from Georgia & I didn't get a tracking number. Actually, I didn't even get an email letting me know they had been shipped when I was told they were going to be shipped. This is kinda disappointing.
There are problems with USPS shipping. The post offices are saying due to the flight cancellations from last weeks bad weather. I am hearing some packages are taking up to 10 days. There was also some hatching eggs that were returned to the sender because of the weather. If they were marked live embryos, some post offices returned them.
Maybe the seller decided they couldn't send them yet, and that's why she hasn't gotten an email about the shipment? It would have been nice for them to email her, and let her know what's going on.
Hello, if anyone's wanting good layer ducks I have extra White layer ducklings available for 10 each. They are all sexed by Metzers as females.
Thank you all for the support & I apologize for not updating sooner. Had a doctor's appointment concerning an issue that was related to the car accident but was never addressed while I was in the hospital - it had just been getting worse the past 7 months. Got a bit distracted.

Anyhow, it did turn out that FedEx had returned all the egg shipments the breeder sent out last week, 18 total, due to the weather. I guess they just forgot to email to let me know in the midst of the chaos. Goes to show that asking never hurts even when you think you're being a bother. :)

The eggs should be shipped next Monday, which puts me in a bit of a pickle concerning brooding them. Hopefully, the 4 I have developing now will hatch by next Sunday, leaving the incubator just in time for the next batch to go in. Unfortunately, any chicks from the second batch will be more than 2 weeks younger than this batch when they hatch. I think I'll be starting my coop build sooner than I planned. Thank goodness for the tax return I'm getting this year. I'll have enough money to get the basic plan built next month & the rest of the summer to fancy it up. :)
This is a post that I intended to be under COLORADO but seemed to end up under the general area and i did not see anything about double posts so I ll copy it over here.

Hello all, my family and I have recently moved and are building our homestead in Eastern CO and need a little input. We are thick in the busy as we are doing 95 percent of the house shop etc ourselves. Originally we were going to build the coop as one of the first projects but things got moved around and we are just starting it now. It is getting started before the house (we have our priorities right) but in all rearranging of projects we did not get our chicks ordered early as planned and are desperately seeking where one might go in our area. We were trying to avoid the big hatchery buy like murray mcmurray or the likes but will go that route if needed. We are not looking for show birds for 4h at this time but instead producers that are still true to the breed as much as possible. As far as breeds we are most interested in Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Australorpes, and old english game hen style. Not trying to get them all at once but would like two different ones and about 20-25 total. I am not a procrastinator by nature and cannot stand being behind for spring so can anyone give input to good stock availability for around the end of April for delivery. Thanks
I don't know if you are close to Colorado Springs but Buckley Homestead has pullets coming in on various days for different breeds. If you look them up on Facebook, you can see which breeds on which days. Good luck! I too am a newbie and loving it. We adopted 9 full grown hens. Love them!

Here is the facebook link.
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I have 25 eggs in my incubator of easter eggers /olive eggers and backyard mix on day 18 in my incubator and 9 little chicks hatched already needing a good home to lay lots of eggs. :)

I also seem to have acquired a 6 weeks old bantam chocolate orpington chick


If i end up keeping these, i will need a banty pen and coop.

I desperately need a female duck at pol for this big boy to love.. it is causing issues in all the pens i move him to. He needs a lady duck friend now
We've got pips! Two SFH pipped this afternoon, and one Cream Cochin cross.
This has been the most stressful hatch. We got a new thermometer for our Hovabator Genesis, and found out the incubator is way off. So, at least three times a day I have to reset what the incubator is doing. Then, when we took them out of the turner, and put at the bottom of the bator, the temp was even lower, like 94* which could explain all the issues we've had previously. What makes me mad, is these stupid things aren't cheap, and yet, I read about this issue over and over. But, I can't justify the price of a Brinsea either, so basically I'm stuck, babysitting every hatch. Luckily we're only doing one more after this.
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So I've heard and read that chickens can just up and die, for no apparent reason and leaving little to no clues as to the "why?" I can now attest to that as fact.

I went out this morning toting a full to the top 5 gallon bucket of FF (since the weather has been warm enough to do FF), and opened the coop door to see a shadow in a pile in a corner. Turns out I lost one of the biggest New Hampshire pullets
just over 10 mos old. No pulled feathers, no indication of cannibalism or pecking, no discharges from either end. She was a good weight (heavy) so had obviously been eating well. Her feathers were in good shape except the few spots from being mounted by the roo. Just no explanation at all... Really bummed about it as they are my best layers. Today was trash day and I had no time to do an autopsy before work so I just bagged her and added her to the trash can. I didn't think highly of the idea of eating her as I had no idea how long she had been dead or what she died from. Everyone else is just fine today when I got home from work.

What a waste really. It's kinda bothered me all day wondering if it was something I did or didn't do... or could have done differently, or should have seen coming... I'm out there with them at least twice a day and didn't notice anything suspicious at all... <sigh> oh well... tomorrow's another day. Vent over. thanks for listening.
So I've heard and read that chickens can just up and die, for no apparent reason and leaving little to no clues as to the "why?" I can now attest to that as fact.

I went out this morning toting a full to the top 5 gallon bucket of FF (since the weather has been warm enough to do FF), and opened the coop door to see a shadow in a pile in a corner. Turns out I lost one of the biggest New Hampshire pullets
just over 10 mos old. No pulled feathers, no indication of cannibalism or pecking, no discharges from either end. She was a good weight (heavy) so had obviously been eating well. Her feathers were in good shape except the few spots from being mounted by the roo. Just no explanation at all... Really bummed about it as they are my best layers. Today was trash day and I had no time to do an autopsy before work so I just bagged her and added her to the trash can. I didn't think highly of the idea of eating her as I had no idea how long she had been dead or what she died from. Everyone else is just fine today when I got home from work.

What a waste really. It's kinda bothered me all day wondering if it was something I did or didn't do... or could have done differently, or should have seen coming... I'm out there with them at least twice a day and didn't notice anything suspicious at all... <sigh> oh well... tomorrow's another day. Vent over. thanks for listening.

I am so sorry she passed. I know first hand the questions running through your mind. They ran through mine several times. Each time I had one do this very thing.

I think sometimes there is just something wrong that we cannot see or prevent.
You guys go, DK and Ash!!
Hope you both have great hatches! Keep us posted!
I have 7 3 week old chicks now. I will try to get some pictures this weekend.

I have 30 chicks coming the week of the 23rd. Blah, talk about chicken math...I don't even know what I was thinking. I ordered 6 pullet bantams from My Pet Chicken (3 barred rock and 3 EE bantams), so that was reasonable, and for some reason I added 9 cinnamon queens to the order.
Then I had a $25 credit from last year from Meyer Hatchery. They don't sex bantams so I was just going to let the credit laps....but no....I ordered a 15 pullet rainbow mix....oy....chicken fricassee anyone?

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